Some central tuning for bandq eoy resprucing
Fix a few issues about !3839 (comment 8640993) (c.c. to @rzan )
Tighten a bit the b2etacX lines (etac->HHHH) using B_MVA used in many B2OC lines. (c.c. to @lzhang @yujiel @gcavalle @gromolin @lcapriot )
Tighten a bit the ipchi2 and vertex chi2 cut for several Double D0 lines, so that the bandwidth cost in resprucing is lower than s24c2 and S24c3. (c.c. to @pnaik)
Merge request reports
added BandQ label
requested review from @yajing
assigned to @mengzhen
mentioned in merge request !3839 (merged)
- Resolved by Zan Ren
- Resolved by Yajing Wei
The local test shows that this MR reduces about 0.3% BW cost of B&Q lines.
It looks good to me now @yajing
requested review from @mengzhen
Looks good to me now @yajing . I think we can approve this one and start another ci-test for bandq central MR (hopefully the final one)
mentioned in commit b1db431c