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Add gec to monitoring lines and tune reco and gec for no bias lines

Samuel Belin requested to merge sbelin_add_gecPbPB into 2024-patches

Issue: Rare high multiplicity events can reconstructed when go through the no_bias hlt2 line, safer to remove all high mult reco

Solution: Two hlt2 no bias lines:

  • Hlt2NoBias_NoBias : True nobias line with no reco (turing persistreco to false)
  • Hlt2NoBias_NoBiasGec : "Fake" nobias line, same as before but with a gec cut

Also securing the smog monitoring lines adding a gec as they dont have a hlt1 filter

Also removing the smog2prefilter to the smogmicrobias and onetrack line to avoid bias, reducing the prescale to 0.1

Output of optionfile attached using PbPB hlt1 filter simulation



Edited by Samuel Belin

Merge request reports
