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SLB Nov Hackathon: Tune BToXuTauNu lines (Hadronic and Muonic Tau)

Abhijit Mathad requested to merge AM_BToXuTauHadronic into SLB-Nov24-hackathon

Kaon cuts applied on make_bstoktaunu_muonic, make_bstoktaunu_muonic_fakemu, make_bstoktaunu_muonic_fakek, make_bstoktaunu_hadronic:

   kaons = make_kaons_from_b(
        pid=(F.PID_K > 7.5), #Prev 5
        p_min=15000 * MeV, #Prev 10 GeV
        pt_min=1500 * MeV, #Prev 1. GeV

Pion cuts applied on make_b0topitaunu_hadronic:

Same kinematic cuts as kaon but tighten PID

        pid=F.require_all(F.PID_K < -7.5, F.PID_MU < -7.5, F.PID_P < -7.5), ...

Proton cuts applied on make_lbtoptaunu_tautopipipinu:

    protons = make_protons_from_b(
        pid=F.require_all(F.PID_P > 12., (F.PID_P - F.PID_K) > 12.),
        p_min=15000 * MeV,
        pt_min=1500 * MeV,

Mother cuts on make_bstoktaunu_muonic, make_bstoktaunu_muonic_fakemu, make_bstoktaunu_muonic_fakek, but with:

    m_min = _Bs_M - 2500 * MeV
    m_max = _Bs_M + 1500 * MeV
    comb_m_min = _Bs_M - 2500 * MeV
    comb_m_max = _Bs_M + 1500 * MeV
    vchi2pdof_max = 2.5
    bpvdira_min = 0.999
    bpvfdchi2_min = 150.
    comb_doca_max = 0.07 * mm

Mother cuts applied on make_bstoktaunu_hadronic:

Same cuts as above with make_bstoktaunu_muonic, make_bstoktaunu_muonic_fakemu, make_bstoktaunu_muonic_fakek, but with

    comb_doca_max = 0.04 * mm, ...

Mother cuts applied on make_lbtoptaunu_tautopipipinu:

    m_min = _Lb_M - 2500 * MeV
    m_max = _Lb_M + 1500 * MeV
    comb_m_min = _Lb_M - 2500 * MeV
    comb_m_max = _Lb_M + 1500 * MeV
    vchi2pdof_max = 2.5
    bpvdira_min = 0.999
    bpvfdchi2_min = 150.
    comb_doca_max = 0.06 * mm

**Plots used to decide these for block 8 data are **here. Note there is no MC sample for these.

Bandwidth nominal pile up data goes from Bandwidth: 3.121 MB/s to Bandwidth: 2.694 MB/s. So 14% decrease in BW.

Edited by Gary Robertson

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