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Draft: Changes to the Rare tau module

Carlos Eduardo Cocha Toapaxi requested to merge rd_hackathon/rare_tau into rd-devel

changes for the HLT2_DsToPhiPi_PhiToMuMu:

  • fig bug on IPCHI2
  • increase efficiency
  • understand why the efficiency on data is low
  • Check and Align the muons cuts to the probe muons of PID Hlt2 DsToPhiPi_PhiToMuMu

changes for the HLT2_TauToMuMuMu and the previous:

  • check the current level of separation with the persisted info
  • maybe implement XGBoost as semileptonic to persist tracks only if pass BDT cut
  • reject candidates according to a BDT depending if an additional track added is good for the vertexing

changes to Hlt2RD_TauToMuGamma_EE and Hlt2RD_TauToMuGamma_EE_MVA

  • Improve the selection
  • retrain the MVA

changes to Tau -> 5 Mu and Tau -> 7 Mu

  • Improve the selection

other bugfixes:

  • unprescale on TauToMuMuE
  • optimize the conesize
Edited by Simone Capelli

Merge request reports
