Draft: Add topo and cut-based triggers to inclusive selection of BuToHpLL and B0ToHpHmLL, and remove obsolete spruce lines for these decays
Part of a consolidation of RD trigger lines
What's done:
- Remove obsolete Spruce lines
- Remove electron lines in HLT2 that are already in Spruce
- Loosened IP chi2 cut on BuToHpMuMu on the hadron from 6 to 4 to align with current HLT2 lines
- Moved code from
- Loosen PIDe from 1 to 0 to align with the current HLT2 lines
- Widen mass range down to 3.5 GeV for electron lines in spruce because signal has a long tail
- Add
to all electron lines in spruce - Added long-upstream dielectrons to the BuToHpEE and BuToHpHmEE lines in
- Changed all rho0 builders to kstar0 builders in
Rate test: Before these changes, the rate was 17.0 kHz in HLT2. After the changes, the total rate is 15.8 kHz.
Edited by Martin Tat