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Draft: Improve rd multilepton lines

Jan Peter Wagner requested to merge improve_rd_multilepton_lines into rd-devel

Starting with a list of things to improve:

  • Add intermediates to B->4mu line same as for B2EEMuMu, generic four lepton builder based on two dilepton builders
  • Add intermediates for B->4e line more difficult, it creates electron candidates very simple while dielectron objects (which are used in other lines e.g. B2EEMuMu) are way more complicated, is this intentional and the difference understood? Can we change also B24e to align with the other one?
    • This makes tupling simpler and control plots/cross checks
  • Change BPV functors in builder with OWNPV
  • Remove isolation variables, tagging_particles for persist_reco=True lines as these are not needed
  • Think about TBCs in (more of a general thing), e.g. trchi2dof_max, trghostprob_max
  • Rename make_b_4l keyword MAXDOCA with MAXSDOCA
  • Add sprucing (?), see comment here
  • Consistent naming of keyword arguments, e.g. here and here
  • Combine make_b_4l, make_b_2mu2e and make_generic_4lepton_LLP into one builder function
  • Reconsider Kaon PID cuts
  • Consider renaming to to be consistent with other builder files and because it is not only "n times mu" what is build here
  • Consider to rename lines e.g. LL like here as there are no not long muon lines it could be confused with
  • Why min_PID_Mu=1 at one point and min_PID_Mu=0 on another
  • Why min_PID_E=3 at one point and min_PID_E=2 on another
  • MAXSDOCA cut has unit in most other use cases throughout Moore, is this intentional that here it has no explicit unit?
  • Add downstream LLP lines with various topologies LLD, LDD, DDD
  • Add all types of tracks to make_rd_detached_dielectron in MuMuEE. From track_types="long" to track_types="all".


Time taken:

rd-devel: 3:13:15.92 total

B2multilepton: 3:51:34.54 total

Rates of this MR comparing against rd-devel with data (100_000 events), including b2ll, b2multilepton, baryon lines:

rate (before) rate (after) difference difference (%)
Hlt2RD_BTo2LLP_LLPToEE_LL 103.175 103.175 0 0
Hlt2RD_BToHH_Incl 90.2784 90.2784 0 0
Hlt2RD_BToMuMuGamma 64.4846 64.4846 0 0
Hlt2RD_BuTo2LLPKp_LLPToEE_LL 38.6908 38.6908 0 0
Hlt2RD_BToMuEGamma 38.6908 38.6908 0 0
Hlt2RD_BToEEGamma 38.6908 38.6908 0 0
Hlt2RD_LbToPpKmPipPimEE 38.6908 38.6908 0 0
Hlt2RD_LbToL0PipPimEE_LL 25.7938 25.7938 0 0
Hlt2RD_LbToPpPimEE 25.7938 25.7938 0 0
Hlt2RD_BToMuE 12.8969 12.8969 0 0
Hlt2RD_LbToL0PipPimEE_DD 12.8969 12.8969 0 0
Hlt2RD_BToMuE_SameSign 12.8969 12.8969 0 0
Hlt2RD_LbToPpKS0PimEE_DD 12.8969 12.8969 0 0
Hlt2RD_LbToPpKS0PimEE_LL 12.8969 12.8969 0 0
Hlt2RD_BToEE_SameSign 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_BTo3LLP_LLPToEE_LLL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_BTo2LLP_LLPToMuMu_DD nan 0 nan nan
Hlt2RD_BTo2LLP_LLPToMuMu_LL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_BuTo2LLPKp_LLPToMuMu_LL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_BuTo2LLPKp_LLPToMuMu_DD nan 0 nan nan
Hlt2RD_BToMuMu_SameSign 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_BToMuMu 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_BToEE 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_BTo3LLP_LLPToMuMu_LLL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_BuTo3LLPKp_LLPToEE_LLL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_BuTo3LLPKp_LLPToMuMu_LLL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_LbToL0PipPimMuMu_DD 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_DisplacedMuMuEE_Incl 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_Displaced4E_Incl 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_Displaced4Mu_Incl 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_LbToPpKS0PimMuMu_DD 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_LbToL0PipPimMuMu_LL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_LbToPpKS0PimMuMu_LL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_LbToPpKmPipPimMuMu 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_LbToPpPimMuMu 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_OmegabmToOmegamEE_DDD 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_OmegabmToOmegamEE_DDL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_OmegabmToOmegamEE_LLL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_OmegabmToOmegamMuMu_DDD 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_OmegabmToOmegamMuMu_DDL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_OmegabmToOmegamMuMu_LLL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_OmegabmToXimEE_DDD 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_OmegabmToXimMuMu_DDD 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_OmegabmToXimMuMu_DDL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_OmegabmToXimMuMu_LLL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_XibmToXimEE_DDD 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_XibmToXimEE_DDL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_XibmToXimMuMu_DDD 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_XibmToXimMuMu_DDL 0 0 0 nan
Hlt2RD_XibmToXimMuMu_LLL 0 0 0 nan
Edited by Irene Bachiller Perea

Merge request reports
