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Draft: RD B2ll line improvements

Jan Peter Wagner requested to merge rd-b2ll-devel into rd-devel
  • Merge fix of B2EMu SameSign line by @rquaglia -> various keyword arguments were not forwarded correctly
  • replace filter_ with make_ to have it consistent between different lines
  • Change OWNPV to BVP
  • fix wrong labels, e.g. dimuons variable in B2EEGamma line
  • in B2EMu builder various key word arguments are still not forwarded, is this on purpose? e.g. min_PIDmu, min_ipchi2_track, max_adocachi2
  • in the make_rd_detached_mue function the IsMuon=False keyword argument is not correctly forwarded to the underlying function
  • in the make_rd_detached_mue function the same_sign value is forwarded to opposite_sign=not same_sign, this is confusing, see
  • Consider moving builders content into hlt2 line definition, at least the objects and then define the particle filter and cuts generically for all objects the same way, similar as it is done in B to multilepton
Edited by Jan Peter Wagner

Merge request reports
