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Draft: Changing BPV to OWNPV for btoxll lines

Jamie Gooding requested to merge jnicolin/rd-btoxll-dev into rd-btoxll-dev

In the and file the following changes have been made mostly

  • remove unnecessary pvs = make_pvs()
  • MINIPCHI2(pvs) goes to OWNPVIPCHI2
  • BPVDIRA(pvs) goes to OWNPVDIRA
  • BPVIPCHI2(pvs) goes to OWNPVIPCHI2
  • BPVFDCHI2(pvs) goes to OWNPVFDCHI2

Other builders would need to be updated as well. The rate slightly increased from 17.0kHz to 17.25kHz. Following Wouters merge request !2886

Edited by Janina Nicolini

Merge request reports
