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Draft: Solving the overlap technical problem

Nicole Skidmore requested to merge overlap_nskidmor into master

To go with LHCb!4840

Current status

Test Hlt2Conf.sprucing.test_spruce_turbooverlap

  • Prequisite sprucing.test_hlt2_foroverlapcheck that, using options.write_streams_attributes_to_json, writes out get_streams_attributes to json that looks like
{"default": {"Hlt2Lineone_extraoutputs": "{\"name\": \"Hlt2Lineone_extraoutputs\", \"extra_outputs\": [\"LongerTracks\", \"LongTracks\"], \"persistreco\": true, \"tagging_particles\": false, \"calo_digits\": true, \"calo_clusters\": true, \"pv_tracks\": true, \"track_ancestors\": true, \"raw_banks\": [\"Rich\"]}", "Hlt2Linetwo": "{\"name\": \"Hlt2Linetwo\", \"extra_outputs\": [], \"persistreco\": false, \"tagging_particles\": false, \"calo_digits\": false, \"calo_clusters\": false, \"pv_tracks\": false, \"track_ancestors\": false, \"raw_banks\": []}"}}
  • This json is picked up and loaded in sprucing_tests:spruce_overlap. The Spruce versions of the HLT2 lines are created based on this, including extra_outputs and streams defined by regexes
  • Hlt2Conf.sprucing.test_spruce_turbooverlap_check_stream{one,two} then check that only streamone_lines candidates end up in the streamone stream and vice versa. Along with lots of other checks for persistreco objects, raw_banks etc.

Next steps

  • All functionality present
  • Clean/refactor
  • Test on real example
  • Decide how to deal with the downstream (DaVinci) changes to data access
Edited by Nicole Skidmore

Merge request reports
