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Added first B&Q basic filters and standard combinations

Giovanni Cavallero requested to merge onia into master

It defines the required structure for the B&Q developments, following the example of the B2OC WG.

It is the first step to comply with

onia/builders contains the modules used for onia filters and standard combinations. They will be integrated with further developments in the near future, but the structure needs to be defined before. Note that some lines are shared with the dimuon module, so far. Filters and combinations from the dimuon module will be moved to the onia/builders/onia_dimuon module in the near future.

One line has been registered in the onia/BcToX module as an example of structure to follow:

  • Hlt2BcpToJpsiPipLine for Bc+ -> J/psi pi+ decays, whose cuts will be fine tuned later.
Edited by Giovanni Cavallero

Merge request reports
