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Add HLT2 single high-pt muon line

FYI @wbarter @ncooke @olupton @yqiu @cvazquez @hyin @dzuliani

In this MR is my first attempt at writing a HLT2 line that fires on high PT muons. This MR serves as a first step in getting the qee_upgrade branch started, and also gives us an example of how we can add lines moving forward.

The line definition is in Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/QEE/, and I have also written an example gaudi options file Hlt/Hlt2Conf/options/ which holds some URLs of W+jet events.

The cuts in the line are taken from a Run2 TCK, and are mu_PT > 10 GeV and ISMUON, with no prescale. The efficiency of the line on the W+jet sample is 75%.

Edited by Ross John Hunter

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