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Tutorial on studying efficiencies and rates

Rosen Matev requested to merge rjhunter-hltefficiencychecker-docs into master

(work and description by @rjhunter, thanks to @rmatev for making the MR!)

This new tutorial explains how to use the HltEfficiencyChecker package from MooreAnalysis to calculate rates and efficiencies, and make some nice plots of those efficiencies as a function of MC truth kinematic variables. This functionality is now fully available for Hlt2 as of the recent merging of MooreAnalysis!12 (merged).


  • Add some plots resulting from the examples.
  • Say something about the choice of FT decoding version and input_raw_format when writing out your options/how to get this information for the MC you have.
  • Add the example scripts to the doc/ directory? No - added comment on where to find them in MooreAnalysis instead.
  • Proofread and fully test all the instructions and examples.
  • Make sure all the links work.

Requires MooreAnalysis!14 (merged) and MooreAnalysis!15 (merged) for the examples to work. Closes MooreAnalysis#8 (closed).

Crude attempt at giving you a preview (download, unzip, open index.html, see new section "Studying HLT efficiencies and rates"): Moore-documentation-542.tar.gz)

Following !548 (merged) you should now be able to build the documentation easily from the stack yourself with:

Moore/run make -C Moore/doc html
Edited by Ross John Hunter

Merge request reports
