Update HLT2 analysis tutorial for latest Moore output format
- Mar 10, 2021
Alex Pearce authored
- Mar 09, 2021
Alex Pearce authored
Moves from using the DaVinci configurable to the LHCbApp configurable. Requires LHCb!2963. Closes #250.
Following !735 (merged) the HLT2 output analysis tutorial no longer works as it does not include the raw bank decoding and tries to import objects from now non-existent modules.
This MR updates the tutorial so that it now works. Preview here.
It also switches from using the DaVinci
configurable to the LHCbApp
configurable. As a result it depends on LHCb!2963 (merged).
(I've added a note to say that the options shown depend on the "DaVinci runtime", but the reality is that they depend only on the Analysis runtime (for DecayTreeTuple
); is uses nothing from the DaVinci project. This allows DaVinci to evolve without worrying about breaking this tutorial.)
For line authors: this is quite a significant update to the configuration shown in the tutorial. I'm sorry I couldn't find a way to keep things as they were. Please compare the new material with your existing options closely when updating things and feel free to get in touch on the Upgrade HLT2 Mattermost channel if you have trouble.
Closes #250 (closed). Depends softly on LHCb!2963 (merged) and Analysis!770 (merged) as it describes changes made there: this MR only updates one documentation file, so only the CI pipeline is interesting here.
Moves from using the DaVinci configurable to the LHCbApp configurable. Requires LHCb!2963. Closes #250.