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Draft: ECAL cluster resolution plots for dashboard

Oleksandr Zenaiev requested to merge sz_dashboard_calo_resolution into master

Adding ECAL cluster resolution plots for gamma and pi0 (energy, x and y position resolution as a function of energy) to appear in the dashboard, similar to !806 (merged)

Needs Lbcom!556 (merged) to have access to the cluster area.

hlt2_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking is modified to produce the necessary ntuples for the plotting script.

To produce the plots for gamma, one needs to run Moore test hlt2_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking on the BdKstgamma sample and run:

Moore/run python Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts/ --filename mcchecking_tuple_gamma_100.root --particle gamma --treename CaloHypoResolutionOverlapDef/photonsOverlapDef --outfile resolution_plots_gamma.root --plotstyle Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts

To produce the plots for gamma, one needs to run Moore test hlt2_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking on Bd_pi+pi-pi0 samples and run:

Moore/run python Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts/ --filename mcchecking_tuple_pi0_100.root --particle pi0 --treename CaloHypoResolution-clusDef-pi0Def/pi0-clusDef-pi0Def --outfile resolution_plots_pi0.root --plotstyle Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts

These are the plots produced by running on 100 events:

resolution_e resolution_x resolution_y resolution_e_pi0 resolution_x_pi0 resolution_y_pi0

on 1000 events:

resolution_e resolution_x resolution_y resolution_e_pi0 resolution_x_pi0 resolution_y_pi0

and on ~40000 events:

resolution_e resolution_x resolution_y resolution_e_pi0 resolution_x_pi0 resolution_y_pi0

Needed for lhcb-rta/data-challenges#22

cc @cmarinbe @mveghel @sklaver @rmatev

Edited by Oleksandr Zenaiev

Merge request reports
