Draft: ECAL cluster resolution plots for dashboard
Adding ECAL cluster resolution plots for gamma and pi0 (energy, x and y position resolution as a function of energy) to appear in the dashboard, similar to !806 (merged)
Needs Lbcom!556 (merged) to have access to the cluster area.
is modified to produce the necessary ntuples for the plotting script.
To produce the plots for gamma, one needs to run Moore test hlt2_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking
on the BdKstgamma
sample and run:
Moore/run python Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts/CaloResolution.py --filename mcchecking_tuple_gamma_100.root --particle gamma --treename CaloHypoResolutionOverlapDef/photonsOverlapDef --outfile resolution_plots_gamma.root --plotstyle Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts
To produce the plots for gamma, one needs to run Moore test hlt2_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking
on Bd_pi+pi-pi0
samples and run:
Moore/run python Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts/CaloResolution.py --filename mcchecking_tuple_pi0_100.root --particle pi0 --treename CaloHypoResolution-clusDef-pi0Def/pi0-clusDef-pi0Def --outfile resolution_plots_pi0.root --plotstyle Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts
These are the plots produced by running on 100 events:
on 1000 events:
and on ~40000 events:
Needed for lhcb-rta/data-challenges#22
Edited by Oleksandr Zenaiev