Draft: Add test to check passthrough sequence
Adds a test to check if running Allen with MooreOnline with the passthrough sequence runs without failing.
Merge request reports
assigned to @mfontana
added RTA label
mentioned in merge request Allen!918 (merged)
- [2022-06-27 17:34] Validation started with lhcb-master-mr#4868
mentioned in issue Moore#448 (closed)
doesn't seem to be mounted in Jenkin CI test nodes. @bcouturi where should we put the MEP file to perform this test? https://lhcb-nightlies.web.cern.ch/nightly/lhcb-master-mr/4868/MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc11-opt/tests#AllenOnline.test_passthrough@kaaricha I copied the file to
. If/eos
is mounted on the test machines, this should work. If not, you need to download it first before running the test. Maybe the easiest is that you wrap the call toallen.py
in a shell script, which first downloads the file with xrdcp (xrdcp root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/wg/rta/samples/data/20220605-LHCb-MEP/LHCb_BU_40.mep .
mentioned in issue Moore#449 (closed)
mentioned in issue Moore#454 (closed)
mentioned in issue Moore#456 (closed)
mentioned in issue Moore#465 (closed)
mentioned in issue Moore#467 (closed)