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Move mass monitors into the same GEC as other RecoMon monitors

Titus Mombaecher requested to merge mass_monitors_forIFT into master

This started when realising that the mass monitors didn't have the GEC applied in PbPb, which created heavy issues with the throughput in RecoMon, which also created a biased selection of events. At the same time the mass monitors were happening in a separate reconstruction sequence to RecoMon, which was suboptimal. I found now a solution how I can add the mass monitors into the same GEC as the rest of RecoMon. The mass monitors will move into Moore Moore!3081 (merged) in this approach. This should solve the issue (also accidentally the reco is not run twice as it does the same thing)control_flow.pdf

Edited by Titus Mombaecher

Merge request reports
