Update References for: Allen!1472 based on lhcb-master-mr/10900
Merge request reports
added reference update label
mentioned in merge request Allen!1472 (merged)
added RTA label
removed RTA label
added 1 commit
- bf84ec66 - Update References for: Allen!1472 (merged) based on lhcb-master-mr/10900
added RTA label
@gunther the ref update was messed up by the failing platforms.
However, I'm not sure I understand the relationship of the Allen change and the change in https://lhcb-nightlies.web.cern.ch/nightly/lhcb-master-mr/10900/MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-el9-gcc13-opt/tests#AllenOnline_test_lumi
Different content of Counters for algo HltLumiWriter (HltLumiWriter ref) Average event size / 32-bit words | 897 | 24533 | 27.350 (HltLumiWriter new) Average event size / 32-bit words | 918 | 25806 | 28.111 Different content of Counters for algo VoidFilter_2e3c... (VoidFilter_2e3c... ref) Cut selection efficiency | 974 | 897 | ( 92.09446 +- 0.8645759)% (VoidFilter_2e3c... new) Cut selection efficiency | 992 | 918 | ( 92.54032 +- 0.8341991)%
Edited by Rosen MatevI am afraid I have to forward the question to @ahennequ and @cagapopo. I decided to merge despite the wrong refs (but not merge the refs) as it seems urgent to fix. I want to try fixing recently fluctuating refs using Moore!3132 (closed) and I can do this one here hopefully in the same go.
Edited by Andre Gunther(there's even an issue if you want to discuss this there) Allen#514 (closed)