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RICH-34 Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline v4r1, Rich/RichMirrorCombinFit v17r1, Rich/RichMirrAlign v19r2

Paras Naik requested to merge pnaik-MirrAlign-20171012 into master

Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline v4r1

! 2017-10-12 - Paras Naik

  • Added configurable minFracPhiBinsPopulated, which sets the minimum fraction of phi bins that need to be well-populated in order to have an acceptable fit. Preferably this is 0.8, but depends on the current HLT line decision efficiency for each particular RICH detector.
  • Changed name of checkFitQual() to checkEnoughBinsPopulated() in RichAlignmentHelper.
  • Added sanity check to identify poor photon population in too many azimuthal bins. This can be useful to prevent an unlikely, but possible, mirror alignment update when running conditions are different from those for which we tuned our HLT lines (i.e. 13 TeV proton-proton collisions). This is achieved by using the result of checkEnoughBinsPopulated() to disable the automatic update if there is poor photon population in the phi-bins of any mirror combination.
  • Added configurable autoUpdateNoV. If autoUpdate (initially) is True, then autoUpdateNoV is read from the Configuration. If autoUpdateNoV is then True, then in cases where an update is desired but a sanity check has failed, the mirror alignment does not send a version decision through the DB update service. In this case, the mirror aligner has to decide on the maybe file produced.
  • Minor changes to to make it compatible with external code by Claire and Sam to produce trend plots. This includes a new getChange function (unrelated to the one in v3r0) that returns the mirror tilt changes.

Rich/RichMirrorCombinFit v17r1

! 2017-10-12 - Paras Naik

  • Added m_minFracPhiBinsPopulated, which sets the minimum fraction of phi bins that need to be well-populated in order to report any underpopulated bins. This can be configured via the .conf file (typically provided by Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline).
  • Changed the underpopulation warning message so that the level of underpopulation is clear in the same line (and thus visible in the FitNGE file).

! 2017-06-09 - Paras Naik

  • Added workDir to options
  • Added trailing slash to workDir in files/*.conf since this is now, always provided by RichMirrorAlignmentOnline and thus expected.
  • Removed StopOrContinue() which is obsolete.
  • The _combinfitdecision.txt file should now be properly written to the workDir
  • Fixed typos.

Rich/RichMirrAlign v19r2 (just because we never actually "tagged" this version)

! 2017-06-09 - Paras Naik

  • Added trailing slash to workDir in files/*.conf since this is now, always provided by RichMirrorAlignmentOnline and thus expected.
  • Fixed typos, including key typo where SecZ was accidentally SecY. Fortunately, this had virtually no impact on our results since the quad tolerances were first implemented.
Edited by Paras Naik

Merge request reports
