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RICH-29 Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline v4r1p0 and Rich/RichMirrAlign v19r2p0: Move mirror combination subsets into RichMirrorAlignmentOnline; now get name and location from Configuration.

Paras Naik requested to merge pnaik-MirrAlign-20171017 into master

Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline v4r1p0

! 2017-10-17 - Paras Naik

  • Added configurable combAndMirrSubsets for Rich1 and Rich2 to Configuration, to allow us to change the combAndMirrSubsets used; modified the Iterator accordingly. Default combAndMirrSubsets now point to /group/rich/sw/cmtuser/AlignmentRelease/Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline/files/Rich1CombAndMirrSubsets.txt and /group/rich/sw/cmtuser/AlignmentRelease/Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline/files/Rich2CombAndMirrSubsets.txt which should point to the version of Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline being used at the pit
  • Instead of always using the same name locally for the mirror combination subsets, we now use the basename of alignConf.getProp('combAndMirrSubsets')
  • combAndMirrSubsets, startXMLfile, compareXMLfile, warningFactor, and displayMode added to summary.txt
  • print the launch directory from the iterator (since we had no idea what that is)

Rich/RichMirrAlign v19r2p0

! 2017-10-19 - Paras Naik

  • Removed the case insensitivity when parsing the mirror combination subsets file. The primary mirrors are now read in until the word 'Secondary', with that capitalization, is seen; then the secondary mirrors are read in.
  • Confirmed that Mirror Combination Subsets are the same in Rich/RichMirrAlign as in Rich/RichMirrCombinFit and Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline
Edited by Paras Naik

Merge request reports
