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Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline v4r3p0

Paras Naik requested to merge pnaik-MirrAlign-20180417 into 2018-patches

! 2018-04-24 - Paras Naik

  • "Tagged" as v4r3p0 (internally, since only Panoptes gets a tag now).
  • Set magnFactorsMode back to 0 in the configuration for first alignment of 2018; posted new magnFactors in /group/rich/AlignmentFiles/MagnifFactors/Rich1/20180424_164201/ /group/rich/AlignmentFiles/MagnifFactors/Rich2/20180424_145140/ and now using them in the Configuration.
  • Fixed a bug where the alignment would crash if hlt2TriggerSettings was not in the RunDB.

! 2018-04-23 - Paras Naik

  • Set magnFactorsMode to 2 in the configuration for first alignment of 2018; remember to post new magnFactors and change mode back to 0 after first alignment. (See 2018-04-24 Entry Above)

(Unrelated to the code, but interesting: changed permissions of files in /group/rich/AlignmentFiles/Logging on plus to be writeable by the mirror alignment i.e. online account)

Merge request reports