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Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline v4r3p1

Paras Naik requested to merge pnaik-MirrAlign-20180426 into 2018-patches

! 2018-04-26 - Paras Naik

  • "Tagged" as v4r3p1 (internally, since only Panoptes gets a tag now).
  • Change default maxDate in trendHelper to the end of the year 9999
  • Print alignments in the _UpdateTrend.txt file not in self.alignments (e.g. exceptionList alignments that have an _UpdateTrend entry), then reject them.
  • Then print and reject all alignments that are in self.alignments that are not (uncommented) in the _UpdateTrend.txt file. This effectively removes test alignments automatically, without having to add them to the exceptionList.
  • Note that, for the moment, the trend plots only plot past alignments. The alignment just performed is currently not included in the plots.

Merge request reports