RICH-52 Rich/RichMirrorAlignmentOnline v4r4
! 2018-05-10 - Paras Naik
- "Tagged" as v4r4 (internally, since only Panoptes gets a tag now).
- In trendHelper, added the capabilities to make alignment trend plots with fill number or date/time on the x-axis. One of these or alignment number may be selected for the x-axis via the the new trendXaxis option in trendHelper.Plotter
- The trend plot made will now be produced with fill numbers on the x-axis.
- self.minDate now set to the beginning of 2018 if startDate in trendHelper.Plotter is None. The default self.maxDate is the end of 9999.
- Fixed a bug where there were empty entries in "_flip" TGraphs; these entries had default values at the origin and skewed the fill number and date/time versions of the trend plots.
- Changed color values of points on the trend plot to avoid white points when the marker color was 100.
- Improved trend plot dimensions, font sizes, and label placement.
- main() function of trendHelper now produces plots in every combination of plotType = {default, hollow} and trendXaxis = {Fills, Numbers, Dates} (for offline production of these plots).
- now has trendDateRange set to {'minDate': None, 'maxDate': None}
- Moved trend plotting from near the end of AlignMonitor.performMonitoring() to near the end of SetupHelper.finalize(), so that we can include the alignment just performed in the trend plot.
- Now posting the 'hollow', 'Fills' trend plot file to the RICH ELOG every fill. The 'hollow', 'Dates' trend plot file is also created every fill, but not sent to the RICH ELOG. Both plot files are available through AlignmentView. None of the other combinations are automatically created or posted.
! 2018-05-09 - Paras Naik
- Changed the dates that go onto the trend plots as text, to reflect exactly the date range for the alignments that were used.
- Fixed a typo that would exclude alignments from the RICH1 trend plotting if the alignments matched the minDate.
Edited by Paras Naik