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DaVinciFilters&PhysSelPython: add new algorithm FilterUnique and extend MergedSelection

Vanya Belyaev requested to merge vanya-filter-unique-v1 into master
  • Add new algoruthm FilterUnique: Simple variation of FilterDesktop algorithm, that allows to remove explicit duplicates (the decays where mother particles share the same daughter particles)
from PhysConf.Selections import MergedSelection, SimpleSelection
detached_jpsi = ...
highpt_jpsi   = ...
all_jpsi      = MergedSelection ( 'AllJpsi' ,
   RequiredSelections = [ detached_jspi , highpt_jpsi ] )
# eliminate duplicates
unique_jpsi   = SimpleSelection (
      'UniqueJpsi'  ,
      all_jpsi      ,
      FilyerUnique  ,
      Code = "DECTREE('Meson -> mu+ mu-')"

Or (much better)

  from PhysConf.Selections import MergedSelection
 detached_jpsi = ...
 highpt_jpsi   = ...
 all_jpsi      = MergedSelection ( 'AllJpsi' ,
     RequiredSelections = [ detached_jspi , highpt_jpsi ] ,
     Code = "DECTREE('Meson -> mu+ mu-')" ,
     Unique = True )
  • MergedSelection
    • add property 'Code' (default to "ALL") to apply optionally some filtering
    • add property 'Unique' (default to False) to suppress some explicit duplicates
 from PhysConf.Selections import MergedSelection
 detached_jpsi = ...
 highpt_jpsi   = ...
 uniqie_jpsi   = MergedSelection ( 'AllJpsi' ,
    RequiredSelections = [ detached_jspi , highpt_jpsi ] ,
    Code = "DECTREE('J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-')" ,
    Unique = True )

Merge request reports
