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More microDST cloners

Alex Pearce requested to merge apearce-dynamic-cloning into master

This adds three new copy algorithms to the MicroDST package, for LBHLT-135:

  1. CopyCaloClusters: for copying containers of LHCb::CaloCluster objects;
  2. CopyLinePersistenceLocations: for cloning any KeyedContainer, and its contents, if the location is defined by the ILinePersistenceSvc (see LHCb!606 (merged)); and
  3. CopyParticle2PVRelationsFromLinePersistenceLocations: for cloning any LHCb::Particle to LHCb::RecVertex relations tables, if the location is defined by the ILinePersistenceSvc.

Marked as WIP for now as I'd like to add some more documentation.

Merge request reports
