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Add two functors TZ and BPVTZ

Merged Vanya Belyaev requested to merge vanya-lokiphys into master
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@@ -195,6 +195,34 @@ namespace LoKi
typedef LoKi::Particles::ImpParChi2WithTheBestPV BPVIPCHI2 ;
// ========================================================================
/** @typedef BPVTZ
* The special "context-dependent" version of TZ functor.
* It takes the best primary vertex from IPhysDesktop tool
* @code
* // B-candidate:
* const LHCb::Particle* B = ... ;
* // use the functor
* const double tz = BPVTZ ( B ) ;
* @endcode
* @attention There are no direct needs to use this "Context"
* functor inside the native LoKi-based C++ code,
* there are more efficient, transparent,
* clear and safe analogues...
* @see LoKi::Cuts::TZ
* @see LoKi::Particles::Tz
* @see LoKi::Particles::TzWithTheBestPV
* @author Vanya BELYAEV
* @date 2016-06-20
typedef LoKi::Particles::TzWithTheBestPV BPVTZ ;
// ========================================================================
/** @typedef BESTPVIPCHI2
* The special "context-dependent" version of LoKi::Particles::ImpParChi2
* functor which gets the related primary vertex from IPhysDesktop tool