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Remove L0 decoding configuration

Alex Pearce requested to merge apearce-remove-l0-decoding-conf into master

If I try to run DaVinci/master with these options:

from Configurables import DaVinci

DaVinci(DataType="Upgrade", InputType="MDST", RootInTES="Blah")

I get:

# PhysConf.MicroDST         INFO    Reconfigure uDST to use    RootInTES='/Event/HLT2/'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/apearce/stack-g/Gaudi/Gaudi/scripts/", line 560, in <module>
  File "/home/apearce/stack-g/Gaudi/GaudiKernel/python/GaudiKernel/", line 1651, in applyConfigurableUsers_old
  File "/home/apearce/stack-g/DaVinci/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/", line 775, in __apply_configuration__
    self._root_in_Tes  ()
  File "/home/apearce/stack-g/DaVinci/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/", line 644, in _root_in_Tes
    uDstConf ( rit , logger = getLogger ( 'PhysConf.MicroDST' )  ) ## use it!
  File "/home/apearce/stack-g/Phys/Phys/PhysConf/python/PhysConf/", line 134, in uDstConf
  File "/home/apearce/stack-g/Phys/MicroDST/MicroDSTConf/python/MicroDSTConf/", line 123, in configureL0AndHltDecoding
  File "/home/apearce/stack-g/Phys/MicroDST/MicroDSTConf/python/MicroDSTConf/", line 76, in configureL0ReportDecoding
    from Configurables import L0DecReportsMaker, L0SelReportsMaker
ImportError: cannot import name L0DecReportsMaker

This patch removes the L0-related configuration that causes this error.

/cc @pkoppenb (I was a bit surprised I couldn't run DaVinci/master, when trying to make ntuples from Moore output. I guess there's close to zero test coverage atm.)

Merge request reports
