* (c) Copyright 2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
Andre Gunther
// standard
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
Andre Gunther
#include <cassert>
Andre Gunther
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// boost
#include "boost/container/static_vector.hpp"
// vdt
#include "vdt/log.h"
// from Gaudi
#include "DetDesc/GenericConditionAccessorHolder.h"
Andre Gunther
#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiTupleTool.h"
#include "LHCbAlgs/Transformer.h"
// from LHCb
#include "Event/PrSciFiHits.h"
#include "Event/StateParameters.h"
#include "Event/StateVector.h"
#include "FTDet/DeFTDetector.h"
#include "Kernel/CountIterator.h"
#include "LHCbMath/SIMDWrapper.h"
// local
#include "HoughSearch.h"
#include "PrKernel/FTGeometryCache.h"
Andre Gunther
#include "PrKernel/IPrDebugTrackingTool.h"
#include "PrTrackModel.h"
// NN for ghostprob
#include "weights/TMVA_MLP_GhostNN_PrForwardTracking.h"
#include "weights/TMVA_MLP_GhostNN_PrForwardTrackingVelo.h"
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Forward Tracking +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/** +++++++++++++++++++++ Short Introduction in geometry ++++++++++++++++++++++++++:
* The SciFi Tracker Detector, or simple Fibre Tracker (FT) consits out of 3 stations.
* Each station consists out of 4 planes/layers. Thus there are in total 12 layers,
* in which a particle can leave a hit. The reasonable maximum number of hits a track
* can have is thus also 12.
* Each layer consists out of several Fibre mats. A fibre has a diameter of below a mm.
* Several fibres are glued alongside each other to form a mat.
* A Scintilating Fibre produces light, if a charged particle traverses. This light is then
* detected on the outside of the Fibre mat.
* Looking from the collision point, one (X-)layer looks like the following:
* y 6m
* ^ ||||||||||||| Upper side
* | ||||||||||||| 2.5m
* | |||||||||||||
* -|--||||||o||||||----> -x
* |||||||||||||
* ||||||||||||| Lower side
* ||||||||||||| 2.5m
* All fibres are aranged parallel to the y-axis. There are three different
* kinds of layers, denoted by X,U,V. The U/V layers are rotated with respect to
* the X-layers by +/- 5 degrees, to also get a handle of the y position of the
* particle. As due to the magnetic field particles are deflected in
* x-direction (only small deflection in y-direction).
* The layer structure in the FT is XUVX-XUVX-XUVX.
* The detector is divided into an upeer and a lower side (>/< y=0). As particles
* are deflected in x direction there are only very(!) few particles that go
* from the lower to the upper side, or vice versa. The reconstruction algorithm therefore
* treats upper and lower side tracks independently such that only hits in the respective
* detector half are considered.
* Only for U/V layers this can be different because in these layers the
* complete fibre modules are rotated, producing a zic-zac pattern at y=0, also
* called "the triangles". In these layers hits are also searched for on the "other side",
* if the track is close to
* y=0. Sketch (rotation exagerated):
* _.*
* y ^ _.* _.*
* | .*._ Upper side _.*._
* | *._ _.* *._
* |--------*._ _.* *._----------------> x
* | *._ _.* *._ _.*
* *._.* Lower side *._.*
* Zone ordering defined in Detector/FT/FTConstants.h
* y ^
* | 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
* | | | | | | | | | | | | |
* | x u v x x u v x x u v x <-- type of layer
* | | | | | | | | | | | | |
* |------------------------------------------------> z
* | | | | | | | | | | | | |
* | | | | | | | | | | | | |
* | 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
* A detailed introduction to the basic ideas of the Forward tracking can be
* found here:
* (2002)
* (2007)
* The most recent note contains (now slightly outdated) information about parameterisations
* (2014)
* Method overview
* The track reconstruction is done in several steps:
* 1) Hough-like transformation of SciFi hits using input tracks
* -> projectXHitsToHoughSpace and projectStereoHitsToHoughSpace
* filling a histogram-like data structure
* 2) Threshold scan over "histogram" selecting local accumulations of hits
* -> pickUpCandidateBins and sortAndCopyBinContents
* 3) Detailed selection of sets of x hits matching the input track
* -> selextXCandidates
* 4) Completion of candidates by finding best matching u/v hits
* -> selectFullCandidates
* also assigning a "quality" to each candidate indicating a ghost
* probability
* 5) Removing duplicates among all found tracks
* -> removeDuplicates
/** @class PrForwardTracking PrForwardTracking.cpp
* @author Olivier Callot
* @date 2012-03-20
* @author Thomas Nikodem
* @date 2013-03-15
* @author Michel De Cian
* @date 2014-03-12 Changes with make code more standard and faster
* @author Sevda Esen
* @date 2015-02-13 additional search in the triangles by Marian Stahl
* @author Thomas Nikodem
* @date 2016-03-09 complete restructuring
* @author Olli Lupton
* @date 2018-11-07 Imported PrForwardTool into PrForwardTracking as a step towards making PrForwardTracking accept
* selections
* @author André Günther
* @date 2019-12-03 adapted PrForwardTracking to new SoA hit class PrSciFiHits
* @date 2021-03-07 complete redesign
namespace Hough {
constexpr int DEPTH = 2;
constexpr int MAXCAND = 2;
constexpr int NBINS = 15;
} // namespace Hough
using TracksTag = Long::Tag;
using TracksFT = Long::Tracks;
using TracksUT = Upstream::Tracks;
using TracksVP = Velo::Tracks;
using scalar = SIMDWrapper::scalar::types;
using simd = SIMDWrapper::best::types;
using PrForwardTracks = std::vector<PrForwardTrack>;
using StereoSearch =
::Hough::HoughSearch<int, Hough::DEPTH, Hough::MAXCAND, Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal, Hough::NBINS>;
// names of variables used in multilayer perceptron used to identify ghosts
constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 9> NNVars{"redChi2",
constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 10> NNVarsVeloUT{
* @return larger n such that it is divisible by simd::size and padded by one more simd::size
constexpr size_t alignAndPad( size_t n ) { return ( n / simd::size + 2 ) * simd::size; }
* @class PrParametersX PrForwardTracking.cpp
* @brief Bundles parameters used selection of x candidates
struct PrParametersX {
unsigned minXHits{};
float maxXWindow{};
float maxXWindowSlope{};
float maxXGap{};
unsigned minStereoHits{};
float maxChi2PerDoF{};
float maxChi2XProjection{};
float maxChi2LinearFit{};
* @class PrParametersY PrForwardTracking.cpp
* @brief Bundles parameters used selection of stereo and full candidates
struct PrParametersY {
float maxTolY{};
float uvSearchBinWidth{};
float tolY{};
float tolYSlope{};
float yTolUVSearch{};
float tolYTriangleSearch{};
unsigned minStereoHits{};
float maxChi2StereoLinear{};
float maxChi2Stereo{};
float maxChi2StereoAdd{};
float tolYMag{};
float tolYMagSlope{};
auto make_TracksFT_from_ancestors( const TrackType& input_tracks ) {
const TracksVP* velo_ancestors{nullptr};
const TracksUT* upstream_ancestors{nullptr};
const LHCb::Pr::Seeding::Tracks* seed_ancestors{nullptr};
const auto history = Event::Enum::Track::History::PrForward;
if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<TrackType, TracksUT> ) {
velo_ancestors = input_tracks.getVeloAncestors();
upstream_ancestors = &input_tracks;
} else {
velo_ancestors = &input_tracks;
return TracksFT{velo_ancestors,
* @brief remove hits from range if found on track
* @param idx1 first index of range
* @param idxEnd end index of range
* @param track track containing hits that are removed from range
* @details Note that idxEnd is modified by this function because hits are removed by shuffling them to the
* end of the range and simply moving the end index such that they are not contained anymore.
* @return true if range is not empty after removing hits
auto removeUsedHits( int idx1, int& idxEnd, const XCandidate& track, ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA& allXHits ) {
const auto& hitsOnTrack = track.getCoordsToFit();
const auto hits_simd = allXHits.simd();
for ( auto idx{idx1}; idx < idxEnd; idx += simd::size ) {
const auto loopMask = simd::loop_mask( idx, idxEnd );
auto keepMask = loopMask;
const auto hit_proxy = hits_simd[idx];
const auto fulldexes = hit_proxy.get<ModSciFiHits::HitTag::fulldex>();
const auto coords = hit_proxy.get<ModSciFiHits::HitTag::coord>();
for ( auto iHit : hitsOnTrack ) {
const auto foundMask = fulldexes == iHit;
keepMask = keepMask && !foundMask;
}<ModSciFiHits::HitTag::fulldex>( idx1, fulldexes, keepMask );<ModSciFiHits::HitTag::coord>( idx1, coords, keepMask );
if ( any( !loopMask ) ) {
const auto coords_new = select( loopMask, hit_proxy.get<ModSciFiHits::HitTag::coord>(), coords );
const auto fulldexes_new = select( loopMask, hit_proxy.get<ModSciFiHits::HitTag::fulldex>(), fulldexes );<ModSciFiHits::HitTag::fulldex>( idx, fulldexes_new );<ModSciFiHits::HitTag::coord>( idx, coords_new );
const auto ok = idx1 != idxEnd;
idxEnd = idx1;
return ok;
* @brief initialises parameters of x projection parameterisation
void initXFitParameters( XCandidate& trackCandidate, const VeloSeedExtended& veloSeed ) {
const auto xAtRef = trackCandidate.xAtRef();
auto dSlope = ( xAtRef - veloSeed.xStraightAtRef ) / ( zReference - veloSeed.zMag );
const auto zMag = veloSeed.calcZMag( dSlope );
const auto xMag = veloSeed.seed.x( zMag );
const auto slopeT = ( xAtRef - xMag ) / ( zReference - zMag );
dSlope = slopeT - veloSeed.seed.tx;
const auto CX = veloSeed.calcCX( dSlope );
const auto DX = veloSeed.calcDX( dSlope );
trackCandidate.getXParams() = {{xAtRef, slopeT, CX, DX}};
Andre Gunther
* @brief initialises parameters of y projection parameterisation
void initYFitParameters( XCandidate& trackCandidate, const VeloSeedExtended& veloSeed ) {
const auto dSlope = trackCandidate.getXParams()[1] - veloSeed.seed.tx;
const auto AY = veloSeed.yStraightAtRef + veloSeed.calcYCorr( dSlope );
const auto BY = veloSeed.seed.ty + veloSeed.calcTyCorr( dSlope );
const auto CY = veloSeed.calcCY( dSlope );
trackCandidate.getYParams() = {{AY, BY, CY}};
* @class HoughTransformation PrForwardTracking.cpp
* @brief Contains data and methods used by the Hough-transformation-like step in the Forward Tracking
* Main methods are defined outside of class
* Short methods are defined inline
class HoughTransformation {
static constexpr int minBinOffset{2};
static constexpr int nBins{1150 + minBinOffset};
static constexpr int reservedBinContent{16};
static constexpr float rangeMax{3000.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
static constexpr float rangeMin{-3000.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
static constexpr unsigned nDiffPlanesBits{8};
static constexpr unsigned diffPlanesFlags{0xFF}; // 1111 1111
static constexpr unsigned uvFlags{0x666}; // 0110 0110 0110
static constexpr unsigned xFlags{0x999}; // 1001 1001 1001
static_assert( sizeof( unsigned ) >= 4 ); // at the moment at least 32 bit datatype for plane encoding
static_assert( ( reservedBinContent % simd::size == 0 ) &&
"Currently only multiples of avx2 vector width supported" );
void projectStereoHitsToHoughSpace( const VeloSeedExtended&, const ZoneCache&, std::pair<float, float>,
const FT::Hits& );
void projectXHitsToHoughSpace( const VeloSeedExtended&, std::pair<float, float>, const FT::Hits& );
auto pickUpCandidateBins( int, int, int, int );
void sortAndCopyBinContents( int, ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA& );
* @brief clears containers for size and therefore also content, plane counter and candidates
void clear() {
m_candSize = 0;
m_planeCounter.fill( 0 );
m_binContentSize.fill( 0 );
* @brief Calculates bin numbers for x values in "Hough space".
* @param xAtRef x values in "Hough space", i.e. on reference plane.
* @param idx index of x hit
* @param maxIdx last index/end of range
* @return bin numbers
* @details The binning is non-simple and follows the occupancy in the detector. Furthermore, only values within
* a certain range are considered. x values outside of this range will cause a return of bin number 0, the
* "garbage bin". The binning function is a fast sigmoid. The parameterisation is obtained using the
* Reco-Parametersiation-Tuner.
auto calculateBinNumber( simd::float_v xAtRef, int idx, int maxIdx ) const {
const auto boundaryMask = xAtRef < rangeMax && xAtRef > rangeMin && simd::loop_mask( idx, maxIdx );
// p[0] + p[1] * x / (1 + p[2] * abs(x)) for nBins = 1152
constexpr auto p = std::array{576.9713937732083f, 0.5780266207743059f, 0.0006728484590464921f};
const auto floatingBinNumber = p[0] + p[1] * xAtRef / ( 1.f + p[2] * abs( xAtRef ) );
// it can happen that two almost equal xAtRef lead to floating bin numbers right on a bin edge, where one
// falls into the left, the other into the right bin due to numerical differences coming from the calculations
// above. This messes with the sorting that is only done per bin later on, but has no dramatic consequences
// (the hits are so close to each other in that case that no deep logic breaks)
const auto binNumber = static_cast<simd::int_v>( floatingBinNumber );
return select( boundaryMask, binNumber, 0 );
* @brief Performs a compressed store of candidates and handles size incrementation.
* @param mask Mask of candidates to store.
* @param bins The bin number(s) qualifying as candidates.
void compressstoreCandidates( simd::mask_v mask, simd::int_v bins ) {
bins.compressstore( mask, + m_candSize );
* @brief Decodes number of different planes encoded in number stored in plane counting array.
* @param bin The bin number
template <typename I>
auto decodeNbDifferentPlanes( int bin ) const {
return I{ + bin} & diffPlanesFlags;
* @brief return integer with bits encoding hit planes shifted to the beginning
* @param bin The bin number
template <typename I>
auto planeBits( int bin ) const {
return I{ + bin} >> nDiffPlanesBits;
Andre Gunther
* @brief Make a span for one bin
* @param iBin bin number
* @return span for the coordinates in this bin
auto getBinContentCoord( int iBin ) {
return LHCb::span{m_binContentCoord}.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
auto getBinContentCoord( int iBin ) const {
return LHCb::span{m_binContentCoord}.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
* @brief Make a span for one bin
* @param iBin bin number
* @return span for the PrSciFiHits indices in this bin
auto getBinContentFulldex( int iBin ) {
return LHCb::span{m_binContentFulldex}.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
auto getBinContentFulldex( int iBin ) const {
return LHCb::span{m_binContentFulldex}.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
* @brief Sorts and then copies content of a bin to a new container
* @param bin bin number
* @param allXHits container to copy to (SoA)
* @details The sorting is done by an insertion sort because the number of elements to sort is small by design.
* The sorting is done by storing the permutations and then using a gather operation to shuffle according to the
* permutations, followed by the storing.
[[gnu::always_inline]] void sortAndCopyBin( int bin, ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA& allXHits ) {
if ( const auto binSize = m_binContentSize[bin]; binSize ) {
std::iota( m_binPermutations.begin(), m_binPermutations.end(), 0 );
const auto coordContent = getBinContentCoord( bin );
for ( auto iCoord{1}; iCoord < binSize; ++iCoord ) {
const auto insertVal = coordContent[iCoord];
auto insertPos = iCoord;
for ( auto movePos = iCoord; movePos && insertVal < coordContent[m_binPermutations[--movePos]];
--insertPos ) {
m_binPermutations[insertPos] = m_binPermutations[movePos];
m_binPermutations[insertPos] = iCoord;
const auto fulldexContent = getBinContentFulldex( bin );
const auto max_size = allXHits.size() + binSize;
const auto permut_v = simd::int_v{ + i};
const auto fulldex_v = gather(, permut_v );
const auto coord_v = gather(, permut_v );
auto hit = allXHits.template emplace_back<>( max_size );
hit.template field<ModSciFiHits::HitTag::fulldex>().set( fulldex_v );
hit.template field<ModSciFiHits::HitTag::coord>().set( coord_v );
i += simd::size;
} while ( i < binSize );
// for debugging
[[maybe_unused]] friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const HoughTransformation& h ) {
const auto candidateBins = LHCb::span( h.m_candidateBins.begin(), h.m_candSize );
os << "Found " << h.m_candSize << " candidate bins:" << std::endl;
for ( auto bin : candidateBins ) {
os << "Bin " << bin << " x coords: [ ";
const auto coords = h.getBinContentCoord( bin );
const auto fulldexes = h.getBinContentFulldex( bin );
for ( auto i{0}; i < h.m_binContentSize[bin]; ++i ) {
os << "(" << fulldexes[i] << ", " << coords[i] << ")";
os << ( i != h.m_binContentSize[bin] - 1 ? " | " : "" );
os << "]"
<< " size=" << h.m_binContentSize[bin] << std::endl;
const auto planes =
( h.m_planeCounter[bin] | h.m_planeCounter[bin - 1] | h.m_planeCounter[bin + 1] ) >> h.nDiffPlanesBits;
os << "Used planes including neighbours: " << std::bitset<12>( planes ) << std::endl;
os << std::endl;
return os;
* @property Contain the coordinates (x hits on reference plane) and PrSciFiHits indices in each bin
alignas( 64 ) std::array<float, alignAndPad( nBins ) * reservedBinContent> m_binContentCoord;
alignas( 64 ) std::array<int, alignAndPad( nBins ) * reservedBinContent> m_binContentFulldex;
* @property Contains the the number of unique planes within a bin encoded together with bit flags for each plane.
alignas( 64 ) std::array<int, alignAndPad( nBins )> m_planeCounter{};
* @property Contains the number of hits in each bin
alignas( 64 ) std::array<int, alignAndPad( nBins )> m_binContentSize{};
* @property Contains a selection of bins that qualify as part of a track candidates.
* @details The number of candidates is tracked by candSize.
alignas( 64 ) std::array<int, alignAndPad( nBins )> m_candidateBins;
* @property sstorage that contains temporary permutations from insertion sort
alignas( 64 ) std::array<int, reservedBinContent> m_binPermutations;
* @brief separate hits that are alone on their SciFi plane from ones that have friends on the plane
* @param otherPlanes Container keeping track of the plane numbers containing multiples
* @param protoCand the candidate under consideration
* @details single hits are directly put into coordsToFit container inside protoCand
template <typename Container>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline void separateSingleHitsForFit( Container& otherPlanes, XCandidate& protoCand,
const VeloSeedExtended& veloSeed ) {
for ( unsigned int iPlane{0}; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
if ( protoCand.planeSize( iPlane ) == 1 ) {
const auto idx = protoCand.getIdx( iPlane * protoCand.planeMulti );
protoCand.addHitForLineFit( idx, veloSeed );
} else if ( protoCand.planeSize( iPlane ) ) {
otherPlanes.push_back( iPlane );
* @brief add hits to candidate from planes that have multiple hits
* @param otherPlanes Container keeping track of the plane numbers containing multiples
* @param protoCand the candidate under consideration
* @details only one hit per plane is allowed, selected by smallest chi2 calculated
* using a straight line fit and putting them into coordsToFit container inside protoCand
template <typename Container>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline void addBestOtherHits( const Container& otherPlanes, XCandidate& protoCand,
const VeloSeedExtended& veloSeed ) {
for ( auto iPlane : otherPlanes ) {
const auto idxSpan = protoCand.getIdxSpan( iPlane );
assert( idxSpan.size() > 0 );
const auto bestIdx = [&] {
auto best{0};
auto bestChi2{std::numeric_limits<float>::max()};
for ( auto idx : idxSpan ) {
const auto chi2 = protoCand.lineChi2( idx, veloSeed );
if ( chi2 < bestChi2 ) {
bestChi2 = chi2;
best = idx;
return best;
protoCand.addHitForLineFit( bestIdx, veloSeed );
protoCand.setPlaneSize( iPlane, 1 );
* @brief store all hits present in candidate for fitting
void prepareAllHitsForFit( const ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA& allXHits, XCandidate& protoCand ) {
for ( unsigned int iPlane{0}; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
const auto idxSpan = protoCand.getIdxSpan( iPlane );
std::transform( idxSpan.begin(), idxSpan.end(), std::back_inserter( protoCand.getCoordsToFit() ),
[&]( auto idx ) {
protoCand.xAtRef() += allXHits.coord( idx );
return allXHits.fulldex( idx );
} );
protoCand.xAtRef() /= static_cast<float>( protoCand.getCoordsToFit().size() );
* @brief fit linear parameters of parameterisation in x and remove bad hits
* @param protoCand candidate to fit
* @param pars bundle of parameters that tune hit removal
* @param SciFiHits PrSciFiHits container
* @details although only the linear parameters are fitted, the full parameterisation is used meaning
* that the quadratic and the cubic term are fixed to their initial values.
template <bool secondLoop>
void fitLinearXProjection( XCandidate& protoCand, const PrParametersX& pars, const FT::Hits& SciFiHits,
const VeloSeedExtended& veloSeed ) {
auto& coordsToFit = protoCand.getCoordsToFit();
bool fit{true};
while ( fit ) {
float s0{0.f}, sz{0.f}, sz2{0.f}, sd{0.f}, sdz{0.f};
for ( auto iHit : coordsToFit ) {
auto dz = SciFiHits.z( iHit ) - zReference;
dz += veloSeed.yStraightInZone[SciFiHits.planeCode( iHit )] * SciFiHits.dzDy( iHit );
const auto d = SciFiHits.x( iHit ) - protoCand.x( dz );
const auto w = SciFiHits.w( iHit );
s0 += w;
sz += w * dz;
sz2 += w * dz * dz;
sd += w * d;
sdz += w * d * dz;
const auto den = sz * sz - s0 * sz2;
if ( den == 0.f ) return;
const auto da = ( sdz * sz - sd * sz2 ) / den;
const auto db = ( sd * sz - s0 * sdz ) / den;
protoCand.addXParams<2>( std::array{da, db} );
const auto itEnd = coordsToFit.end();
auto worst = itEnd;
auto maxChi2{0.f};
const bool notMultiple = protoCand.nDifferentPlanes() == coordsToFit.size();
for ( auto itH = coordsToFit.begin(); itH != itEnd; ++itH ) {
auto dz = SciFiHits.z( *itH ) - zReference;
dz += veloSeed.yStraightInZone[SciFiHits.planeCode( *itH )] * SciFiHits.dzDy( *itH );
const auto d = SciFiHits.x( *itH ) - protoCand.x( dz );
const auto chi2 = d * d * SciFiHits.w( *itH );
if ( chi2 > maxChi2 && ( notMultiple || protoCand.nInSamePlane( *itH ) > 1 ) ) {
maxChi2 = chi2;
worst = itH;
if ( worst == itEnd ) return;
fit = false;
if ( const int ip = SciFiHits.planeCode( *worst ) / 2u;
maxChi2 > pars.maxChi2LinearFit || protoCand.planeSize( ip ) > 1 ) {
protoCand.removePlane( ip );
std::iter_swap( worst, std::prev( itEnd ) );
if ( coordsToFit.size() < pars.minXHits ) return;
fit = true;
* @brief try to find an x hit on a still empty x plane that matches the track
* @param protoCand track candidate
* @param pars bundle of parameters that tune the window defining if an x hit matches or not
* @param veloSeed extended velo track
* @param SciFiHits PrSciFiHits container
* @param maxChi2XAdd defines the maximum allowed chi2 deviation from track
* @details Hits are only added if they are within a window around the extrapolated position on the plane
* under consideration and do not deviate too much in chi2.
template <bool secondLoop>
auto fillEmptyXPlanes( XCandidate& protoCand, const PrParametersX& pars, const VeloSeedExtended& veloSeed,
const FT::Hits& SciFiHits, float maxChi2XAdd ) {
if ( protoCand.nDifferentPlanes() == Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal ) return false;
const auto xAtRef = protoCand.getXParams()[0];
const auto xWindow = pars.maxXWindow +
( std::abs( xAtRef ) + std::abs( xAtRef - veloSeed.xStraightAtRef ) ) * pars.maxXWindowSlope;
for ( unsigned int iPlane{0}; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
if ( protoCand.planeSize( iPlane ) ) continue;
const auto pc = Detector::FT::xLayers[iPlane];
const auto [xStart, xEnd] = SciFiHits.getZoneIndices( 2 * pc + veloSeed.upperHalfTrack );
const auto xPred = protoCand.x( veloSeed.betterZ[pc] - zReference );
const auto startwin = SciFiHits.get_lower_bound_fast<4>( xStart, xEnd, xPred - xWindow );
auto endwin{startwin};
auto bestChi2{maxChi2XAdd};
auto best{0};
for ( const auto maxX = xPred + xWindow; SciFiHits.x( endwin ) <= maxX; ++endwin ) {
const auto d = SciFiHits.x( endwin ) - xPred;
if ( const auto chi2 = d * d * SciFiHits.w( endwin ); chi2 < bestChi2 ) {
Andre Gunther
bestChi2 = chi2;
Andre Gunther
if ( best ) {
protoCand.getCoordsToFit().push_back( best );
++protoCand.planeSize( iPlane );
added = true;
* @brief try to find an x hit on a still empty x plane that matches the track
* @param track track candidate
* @param pars bundle of parameters that tune the window defining if an x hit matches or not
* @param veloSeed extended velo track
* @param SciFiHits PrSciFiHits container
* @param maxChi2XAdd defines the maximum allowed chi2 deviation from track
* @details Hits are only added if they are within a window around the extrapolated position on the plane
* under consideration and do not deviate too much in chi2. The empty planes are determined first.
template <bool secondLoop>
auto fillEmptyXPlanes( PrForwardTrack& track, const PrParametersX& pars, const VeloSeedExtended& veloSeed,
const FT::Hits& SciFiHits, float maxChi2XAdd ) {
if ( track.size() == Detector::FT::nLayersTotal ) return false;
auto& coordsToFit = track.getCoordsToFit();
std::bitset<Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal> hasXLayer{};
unsigned int nX{0};
if ( const auto pc = SciFiHits.planeCode( iHit ); Detector::FT::isXLayer[pc] ) {
if ( nX == Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal ) return false;
const auto xAtRef = track.getXParams()[0];
const auto xWindow = pars.maxXWindow +
( std::abs( xAtRef ) + std::abs( xAtRef - veloSeed.xStraightAtRef ) ) * pars.maxXWindowSlope;
for ( unsigned int iPlane{0}; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
const auto pc = Detector::FT::xLayers[iPlane];
const auto [xStart, xEnd] = SciFiHits.getZoneIndices( 2 * pc + veloSeed.upperHalfTrack );
const auto xPred = track.x( veloSeed.betterZ[pc] - zReference );
const auto startwin = SciFiHits.get_lower_bound_fast<4>( xStart, xEnd, xPred - xWindow );
auto endwin{startwin};
auto bestChi2{maxChi2XAdd};
auto best{0};
for ( const auto maxX = xPred + xWindow; SciFiHits.x( endwin ) <= maxX; ++endwin ) {
const auto d = SciFiHits.x( endwin ) - xPred;
if ( const auto chi2 = d * d * SciFiHits.w( endwin ); chi2 < bestChi2 ) {
bestChi2 = chi2;
best = endwin;
if ( best ) {
track.getCoordsToFit().push_back( best );
added = true;
* @brief fit up to quadratic parameters of parameterisation in x and remove bad hits
* @param track candidate to fit
* @param pars bundle of parameters that tune hit removal
* @param SciFiHits PrSciFiHits container
* @details although only the parameters up to the quadratic term are fitted, the full parameterisation is used
* meaning that the cubic term is fixed to its initial value.
auto fitXProjection( XCandidate& track, const PrParametersX& pars, const FT::Hits& SciFiHits ) {
auto& coordsToFit = track.getCoordsToFit();
const auto minHits = pars.minXHits;
while ( fit ) {
// plus one because we are fitting all params but one
const auto nDoF = coordsToFit.size() - track.getXParams().size() + 1;
if ( nDoF < 1 ) return false;
auto s0{0.f}, sz{0.f}, sz2{0.f}, sz3{0.f}, sz4{0.f}, sd{0.f}, sdz{0.f}, sdz2{0.f};
for ( auto iHit : coordsToFit ) {
const auto dzNoScale = track.calcBetterDz( iHit );
const auto d = track.distanceXHit( iHit, dzNoScale );
const auto w = SciFiHits.w( iHit );
const auto dz = .001f * dzNoScale;
const auto dz2 = dz * dz;
const auto wdz = w * dz;
s0 += w;
sz += wdz;
sz2 += wdz * dz;
sz3 += wdz * dz2;
sz4 += wdz * dz2 * dz;
sd += w * d;
sdz += wdz * d;
sdz2 += w * d * dz2;
const auto b1 = sz * sz - s0 * sz2;
const auto c1 = sz2 * sz - s0 * sz3;
const auto d1 = sd * sz - s0 * sdz;
const auto b2 = sz2 * sz2 - sz * sz3;
const auto c2 = sz3 * sz2 - sz * sz4;
const auto d2 = sdz * sz2 - sz * sdz2;
const auto den = b1 * c2 - b2 * c1;
if ( den == 0.f ) return false;
const auto db = ( d1 * c2 - d2 * c1 ) / den;
const auto dc = ( d2 * b1 - d1 * b2 ) / den;
const auto da = ( sd - db * sz - dc * sz2 ) / s0;
track.addXParams<3>( std::array{da, db * 1.e-3f, dc * 1.e-6f} );
auto maxChi2{0.f};
auto totChi2{0.f};
const auto itEnd = coordsToFit.end();
auto worst = itEnd;
for ( auto itH = coordsToFit.begin(); itH != itEnd; ++itH ) {
auto dz = SciFiHits.z( *itH ) - zReference;
dz += track.y( dz ) * SciFiHits.dzDy( *itH );
const auto chi2 = track.chi2XHit( *itH, dz );
totChi2 += chi2;
if ( chi2 > maxChi2 ) {
maxChi2 = chi2;
worst = itH;
track.setChi2NDoF( {totChi2, static_cast<float>( nDoF )} );
fit = false;
if ( totChi2 > pars.maxChi2PerDoF * nDoF || maxChi2 > pars.maxChi2XProjection ) {
track.removeFromPlane( *worst );
std::iter_swap( worst, std::prev( itEnd ) );
if ( coordsToFit.size() < minHits ) return false;
fit = true;
* @brief fit up to quadratic parameters of parameterisation in x and remove bad hits
* @param track candidate to fit
* @param pars bundle of parameters that tune hit removal
* @param SciFiHits PrSciFiHits container
* @details although only the parameters up to the quadratic term are fitted, the full parameterisation is used
* meaning that the cubic term is fixed to its initial value.
auto fitXProjection( PrForwardTrack& track, const PrParametersX& pars, const FT::Hits& SciFiHits ) {
auto& coordsToFit = track.getCoordsToFit();
const auto minHits = pars.minXHits + pars.minStereoHits;
bool fit{true};
while ( fit ) {
// plus one because we are fitting all params but one
const auto nDoF = coordsToFit.size() - track.getXParams().size() + 1;
if ( nDoF < 1 ) return false;
auto s0{0.f}, sz{0.f}, sz2{0.f}, sz3{0.f}, sz4{0.f}, sd{0.f}, sdz{0.f}, sdz2{0.f};
for ( auto iHit : coordsToFit ) {
const auto dzNoScale = track.getBetterDz( iHit, SciFiHits.z( iHit ) - zReference, SciFiHits );
const auto d = track.distance( iHit, dzNoScale, SciFiHits );
const auto w = SciFiHits.w( iHit );
const auto dz = .001f * dzNoScale;
const auto dz2 = dz * dz;
const auto wdz = w * dz;
s0 += w;
sz += wdz;
sz2 += wdz * dz;
sz3 += wdz * dz2;
sz4 += wdz * dz2 * dz;
sd += w * d;
sdz += wdz * d;
sdz2 += w * d * dz2;
const auto b1 = sz * sz - s0 * sz2;
const auto c1 = sz2 * sz - s0 * sz3;
const auto d1 = sd * sz - s0 * sdz;
const auto b2 = sz2 * sz2 - sz * sz3;
const auto c2 = sz3 * sz2 - sz * sz4;
const auto d2 = sdz * sz2 - sz * sdz2;
const auto den = b1 * c2 - b2 * c1;
if ( den == 0.f ) return false;
const auto db = ( d1 * c2 - d2 * c1 ) / den;
const auto dc = ( d2 * b1 - d1 * b2 ) / den;
const auto da = ( sd - db * sz - dc * sz2 ) / s0;
track.addXParams<3>( std::array{da, db * 1.e-3f, dc * 1.e-6f} );
auto maxChi2{0.f};
auto totChi2{0.f};
const auto itEnd = coordsToFit.end();
auto worst = itEnd;
for ( auto itH = coordsToFit.begin(); itH != itEnd; ++itH ) {
const auto dz = track.getBetterDz( *itH, SciFiHits.z( *itH ) - zReference, SciFiHits );
const auto chi2 = track.chi2( *itH, dz, SciFiHits );
totChi2 += chi2;
if ( chi2 > maxChi2 ) {
maxChi2 = chi2;
worst = itH;
track.setChi2NDoF( {totChi2, static_cast<float>( nDoF )} );
fit = false;
if ( totChi2 > pars.maxChi2PerDoF * nDoF || maxChi2 > pars.maxChi2XProjection ) {
std::iter_swap( worst, std::prev( itEnd ) );
if ( coordsToFit.size() < minHits ) return false;
fit = true;
* @brief Collect the stereo layer hits that are on the other side because of triangle reaching into side.
* @param zoneNumberOS zoneNumber of the other side
* @param xMin minimum coordinate to check on this layer
* @param xMax maximum coordinate to check on this layer
* @param dxDySign the sign of stereo rotation of layer
* @param xPredShifted predicated coordinate corrected for shift due to stereo angle
* @param yInZone y position of track in layer
* @param SciFiHits hits in detector
* @param pars y parameter pack
* @param hough instance of HoughSerach
[[gnu::noinline]] void collectTriangleHits( unsigned zoneNumberOS, float xMin, float xMax, float dxDySign,
float xPredShifted, float yInZone, const FT::Hits& SciFiHits,
const PrParametersY& pars, StereoSearch& hough ) {
const auto [uvStart, uvEnd] = SciFiHits.getZoneIndices( zoneNumberOS );
const auto iUVStart = SciFiHits.get_lower_bound_fast<4>( uvStart, uvEnd, xMin );
const auto yMin = yInZone + pars.yTolUVSearch;
const auto yMax = yInZone - pars.yTolUVSearch;
auto triangleOK = [&]( int index ) {
const auto [yMinHit, yMaxHit] = SciFiHits.yEnd( index );
return yMax < yMaxHit && yMin > yMinHit;
for ( auto iUV{iUVStart}; SciFiHits.x( iUV ) <= xMax; ++iUV ) {
const auto signedDx = ( SciFiHits.x( iUV ) - xPredShifted ) * dxDySign;
if ( triangleOK( iUV ) ) { hough.add( zoneNumberOS / 4u, signedDx, iUV ); }
* @brief Collect stereo hits close to the x projection of the track in all layers.
* @param search_result this is the container where the candidates from the search are written to
* @param track the track with mostly x information yet
* @param SciFiHits hits in the detector
* @param veloSeed velo track parameters
* @param cache cache for position of scifi zones
* @param pars parameter pack for stereo candidate
* @return gsl::span span over candidates
auto collectStereoHits( StereoSearch::result_type& search_result, const PrForwardTrack& track,
const FT::Hits& SciFiHits, const VeloSeedExtended& veloSeed, const ZoneCache& cache,
const PrParametersY& pars ) {
const auto minTol = -pars.tolY - pars.tolYSlope * ( HoughTransformation::rangeMax + pars.maxTolY );
// the first parameter controls the threshold which bins in the hough search have to have at least
StereoSearch hough{Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal / 2, minTol, pars.uvSearchBinWidth};
direct_debug( "Collect stereo hits with maximal", std::abs( minTol ), "mm deviation from x track." );
const auto& uvZones = veloSeed.upperHalfTrack ? Detector::FT::uvZonesUpper : Detector::FT::uvZonesLower;
const auto side =
track.x( cache.z( zoneNumber / 2u ) - zReference ) > 0.f ? ZoneCache::Side::A : ZoneCache::Side::C;
const auto zZone = cache.z( zoneNumber, side );
// TODO: can we improve here by using the ShiftCalculator?
const auto yInZone = track.y( zZone - zReference );
const auto betterZ = zZone + yInZone * cache.dzdy( zoneNumber, side );
const auto xPred = track.x( betterZ - zReference );
const auto dxDy = cache.dxdy( zoneNumber, side );
const auto xPredShifted = xPred - yInZone * dxDy;
const auto dxTol =
pars.tolY +
pars.tolYSlope * ( std::abs( xPred - veloSeed.xStraightInZone[zoneNumber / 2u] ) + std::abs( yInZone ) );
const auto [uvStart, uvEnd] = SciFiHits.getZoneIndices( zoneNumber );
const auto xMin = xPredShifted - dxTol;
const auto xMax = xPredShifted + dxTol;
// the difference only is interepreation: currently: negative dx * sign means underestimated y position and vice
// versa but it makes a difference for the sorting!
const auto dxDySign = std::copysign( 1.f, dxDy );
const auto iUVStart = SciFiHits.get_lower_bound_fast<4>( uvStart, uvEnd, xMin );
for ( auto iUV{iUVStart}; SciFiHits.x( iUV ) <= xMax; ++iUV ) {
const auto dz = SciFiHits.z( iUV ) + yInZone * SciFiHits.dzDy( iUV ) - zReference;
const auto predShifted = track.x( dz ) - yInZone * SciFiHits.dxDy( iUV );
const auto signedDx = ( SciFiHits.x( iUV ) - predShifted ) * dxDySign;
// we actually only care about 0-5 for layers, so divide by 4
hough.add( zoneNumber / 4u, signedDx, iUV );
if ( std::abs( yInZone ) < pars.tolYTriangleSearch ) {
const auto zoneNumberOS = veloSeed.upperHalfTrack ? zoneNumber - 1 : zoneNumber + 1;
collectTriangleHits( zoneNumberOS, xMin, xMax, dxDySign, xPredShifted, yInZone, SciFiHits, pars, hough );