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Addition of reference nodes to TrackVectorFitter

  • Reference Nodes will be created upon invocation of makeNodes, like in MasterFitter.
  • updateMaterialCorrections generates the noiseMatrix for all nodes, including Reference ones, with a slight modification:
    • Signal nodes will have their noiseMatrix generated from the previous signal node z.
    • Reference nodes will have their noiseMatrix generated from the previous node, regardless of the type of that node.
  • Reference nodes will not be created when making Tr::TrackVectorFit::Tracks. Instead, only signal nodes will be fitted.
  • At populateTracks, reference nodes updateTransport is executed. This populates their transport matrices. Then, their states are calculated by Predict followed by the Smoother.

See !1050 (merged) for the discussion leading to this MR.

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
