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Explicit electron checks and efficiency of first velo hits in PrChecker2/PrCounter2

Christoph Hasse requested to merge PrChecker2_electron_firstVHits into master

This MR adds two new features to the PrChecker2/PrCounter2:

  • PrCounter2 now has an option FirstNVeloHits = 3 this introduces two new Hit efficiencies for VELO tracks hitEffFirst3 and hitEffLast which calculates the hit efficiencies separately for the first 3 Hits of a VELO track and for the last N-3 hits respectively. This is useful as the first hits are important for the PV resolution and should thus not be overlooked by averaging over all hits.

  • PrChecker2 has three new lines which only check tracking efficiencies of electrons. As electrons behave quite a bit differently it's worth checking them separately.
    The default in the PrChecker2 is normally to exclude electrons anyhow, so the current default printout has two exclusive sets: Checks for everything that isn't an electron and these new checks for only electrons.

Example printout:

PrChecker2.Velo      INFO **** Velo                            57281 tracks including           1503 ghosts [ 2.62 %], Event average  2.00 % ****
PrChecker2.Velo      INFO                          01_velo :   28871 from    29332 [ 98.43 %]   1102 clones [ 3.68 %], purity: 99.74 %, hitEff: 93.86 %, hitEffFirst3: 93.86 %, hitEffLast: 93.48 %
PrChecker2.Velo      INFO                          02_long :   16817 from    16890 [ 99.57 %]    230 clones [ 1.35 %], purity: 99.80 %, hitEff: 97.58 %, hitEffFirst3: 97.71 %, hitEffLast: 97.38 %
PrChecker2.Velo      INFO                     03_long>5GeV :   10877 from    10914 [ 99.66 %]     99 clones [ 0.90 %], purity: 99.82 %, hitEff: 98.24 %, hitEffFirst3: 98.41 %, hitEffLast: 98.09 %
PrChecker2.Velo      INFO                  04_long_strange :     869 from      888 [ 97.86 %]     10 clones [ 1.14 %], purity: 99.46 %, hitEff: 97.83 %, hitEffFirst3: 97.76 %, hitEffLast: 97.51 %
PrChecker2.Velo      INFO             05_long_strange>5GeV :     420 from      427 [ 98.36 %]      4 clones [ 0.94 %], purity: 99.21 %, hitEff: 98.49 %, hitEffFirst3: 98.35 %, hitEffLast: 98.39 %
PrChecker2.Velo      INFO                    06_long_fromB :     914 from      917 [ 99.67 %]      6 clones [ 0.65 %], purity: 99.81 %, hitEff: 98.29 %, hitEffFirst3: 98.33 %, hitEffLast: 98.25 %
PrChecker2.Velo      INFO               07_long_fromB>5GeV :     756 from      759 [ 99.60 %]      4 clones [ 0.53 %], purity: 99.79 %, hitEff: 98.62 %, hitEffFirst3: 98.90 %, hitEffLast: 98.45 %
PrChecker2.Velo      INFO                08_long_electrons :    1192 from     1258 [ 94.75 %]      7 clones [ 0.58 %], purity: 98.12 %, hitEff: 96.86 %, hitEffFirst3: 96.14 %, hitEffLast: 96.34 %
PrChecker2.Velo      INFO          09_long_fromB_electrons :      55 from       57 [ 96.49 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 97.84 %, hitEff: 97.10 %, hitEffFirst3: 99.39 %, hitEffLast: 94.26 %
PrChecker2.Velo      INFO   10_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV :      40 from       41 [ 97.56 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 98.03 %, hitEff: 97.05 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast: 93.91 %

PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO **** Upstream                        17807 tracks including           2623 ghosts [14.73 %], Event average 12.01 % ****
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO                          01_velo :   14728 from    29332 [ 50.21 %]     64 clones [ 0.43 %], purity: 99.41 %, hitEff: 96.97 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO                       02_velo+UT :   14686 from    25606 [ 57.35 %]     63 clones [ 0.43 %], purity: 99.44 %, hitEff: 96.96 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO                  03_velo+UT>5GeV :   10542 from    13037 [ 80.86 %]     44 clones [ 0.42 %], purity: 99.56 %, hitEff: 98.29 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO                  04_velo+notLong :    3300 from    12442 [ 26.52 %]     14 clones [ 0.42 %], purity: 99.11 %, hitEff: 95.60 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO               05_velo+UT+notLong :    3264 from     8913 [ 36.62 %]     13 clones [ 0.40 %], purity: 99.22 %, hitEff: 95.55 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO          06_velo+UT+notLong>5GeV :    1867 from     2289 [ 81.56 %]      5 clones [ 0.27 %], purity: 99.49 %, hitEff: 98.41 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO                          07_long :   11428 from    16890 [ 67.66 %]     50 clones [ 0.44 %], purity: 99.50 %, hitEff: 97.37 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO                     08_long>5GeV :    8681 from    10914 [ 79.54 %]     39 clones [ 0.45 %], purity: 99.57 %, hitEff: 98.26 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO                    09_long_fromB :     782 from      917 [ 85.28 %]      3 clones [ 0.38 %], purity: 99.67 %, hitEff: 98.37 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO               10_long_fromB>5GeV :     704 from      759 [ 92.75 %]      3 clones [ 0.42 %], purity: 99.69 %, hitEff: 98.72 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO                11_long_electrons :     310 from     1258 [ 24.64 %]      2 clones [ 0.64 %], purity: 98.49 %, hitEff: 95.23 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO          12_long_fromB_electrons :      28 from       57 [ 49.12 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.09 %, hitEff: 98.57 %
PrChecker2.Upst...   INFO   13_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV :      25 from       41 [ 60.98 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 98.98 %, hitEff: 99.20 %

PrChecker2Fast....   INFO **** Forward                          7951 tracks including            670 ghosts [ 8.43 %], Event average  5.04 % ****
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO **** for P>3GeV,Pt>0.5GeV             7235 tracks including           540 ghosts [7.46 %]  ****
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO                          01_long :    6971 from    16890 [ 41.27 %]     42 clones [ 0.60 %], purity: 99.41 %, hitEff: 92.01 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO                     02_long>5GeV :    6204 from    10914 [ 56.84 %]     24 clones [ 0.39 %], purity: 99.46 %, hitEff: 92.43 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO                  03_long_strange :     187 from      888 [ 21.06 %]      1 clones [ 0.53 %], purity: 99.21 %, hitEff: 92.83 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO             04_long_strange>5GeV :     151 from      427 [ 35.36 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.19 %, hitEff: 93.25 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO                    05_long_fromB :     656 from      917 [ 71.54 %]      4 clones [ 0.61 %], purity: 99.46 %, hitEff: 93.15 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO               06_long_fromB>5GeV :     623 from      759 [ 82.08 %]      2 clones [ 0.32 %], purity: 99.51 %, hitEff: 93.46 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO                07_long_electrons :      91 from     1258 [  7.23 %]      1 clones [ 1.09 %], purity: 99.26 %, hitEff: 90.45 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO          08_long_fromB_electrons :      17 from       57 [ 29.82 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.72 %, hitEff: 96.19 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   09_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV :      17 from       41 [ 41.46 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.72 %, hitEff: 96.19 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   10_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV :     638 from      705 [ 90.50 %]      4 clones [ 0.62 %], purity: 99.46 %, hitEff: 93.16 %

CC: @adudziak, @fpolci, @gdujany

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
