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Fixes in TrackerDumper and PrLHCbID2MCParticle.cpp

Makes the TrackerDumper compatible with the latest changes.

@rquaglia and I noticed that all the loops related to UT stations, layers, regions and sectors now start counting at 1 instead of 0. @sponce @decianm @adudziak Why was this changed? In PrLHCbID2MCParticle.cpp the loop over the sectors counted from 0 to 98, before, in the master branch it now counts from 1 98. With these boundaries, there is a mismatch between counting hits while going through the loop and the value obtained from nbHits() of the UTHitHandler. When choosing the boundaries to be 1 and 99 the number of hits is correct (as expected).

@sponce It should maybe be checked that the current implementation of the VeloUT algorithm loops over the correct number of sectors. Could these numbers please be saved in a constant which is used everywhere in the framework instead of being hard coded?

Fixes #29 (closed)

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
