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Update PrChecking

Renato Quagliani requested to merge rquaglia_PrCheckerVelo into master

Fix issue for VeloTracking #34 (closed)

Added categories for Checking velo tracking (on 1 event)

VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO **** Velo                                                  395 tracks including              3 ghosts [ 0.76 %], Event average  0.76 % ****
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   01_notElectron_Velo                                :     362 from      406 [ 89.16 %]      5 clones [ 1.36 %], purity: 99.83 %, hitEff: 95.31 %, hitEffFirst3: 95.28 %, hitEffLast: 94.18 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   02_notElectron_Velo_Forward                        :     193 from      213 [ 90.61 %]      4 clones [ 2.03 %], purity: 99.82 %, hitEff: 93.96 %, hitEffFirst3: 93.23 %, hitEffLast: 93.11 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   03_notElectron_Velo_Backward                       :     169 from      193 [ 87.56 %]      1 clones [ 0.59 %], purity: 99.85 %, hitEff: 96.87 %, hitEffFirst3: 97.65 %, hitEffLast: 95.46 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   04_notElectron_Velo_Eta25                          :     154 from      161 [ 95.65 %]      4 clones [ 2.53 %], purity: 99.77 %, hitEff: 93.56 %, hitEffFirst3: 92.41 %, hitEffLast: 93.74 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   05_notElectron_Long_Eta25                          :      90 from       93 [ 96.77 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.60 %, hitEff: 96.47 %, hitEffFirst3: 93.33 %, hitEffLast: 98.83 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   06_notElectron_Long_Eta25 p>5GeV                   :      63 from       64 [ 98.44 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.60 %, hitEff: 97.60 %, hitEffFirst3: 95.24 %, hitEffLast: 98.99 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   07_notElectron_Long_Eta25 p<5GeV                   :      27 from       29 [ 93.10 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.59 %, hitEff: 93.85 %, hitEffFirst3: 88.89 %, hitEffLast: 98.44 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   08_notElectron_Long_Eta25                          :      90 from       93 [ 96.77 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.60 %, hitEff: 96.47 %, hitEffFirst3: 93.33 %, hitEffLast: 98.83 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   09_notElectron_Long_Eta25 p>5GeV                   :      63 from       64 [ 98.44 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.60 %, hitEff: 97.60 %, hitEffFirst3: 95.24 %, hitEffLast: 98.99 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   10_notElectron_Long_Eta25 p>5GeV                   :      27 from       29 [ 93.10 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.59 %, hitEff: 93.85 %, hitEffFirst3: 88.89 %, hitEffLast: 98.44 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   11_notElectron_Long_Eta25 p>3GeV pt>400MeV         :      56 from       59 [ 94.92 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff: 97.21 %, hitEffFirst3: 95.24 %, hitEffLast: 98.63 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   12_notElectron_Long_FromB_Eta25                    :       2 from        2 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   13_notElectron_Long_FromB_Eta25 p>5GeV             :       2 from        2 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   15_notElectron_Long_FromB_Eta25 p>3GeV pt>400MeV   :       2 from        2 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   16_notElectron_Long_FromD_Eta25                    :       1 from        1 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   17_notElectron_Long_FromD_Eta25 p>5GeV             :       1 from        1 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   19_notElectron_Long_FromD_Eta25 p>3GeV pt>400MeV   :       1 from        1 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   20_notElectron_Long_strange_Eta25                  :       7 from        7 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 96.43 %, hitEff: 94.29 %, hitEffFirst3: 90.48 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   21_notElectron_Long_strange_Eta25 p>5GeV           :       3 from        3 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 91.67 %, hitEff: 93.33 %, hitEffFirst3: 88.89 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   22_notElectron_Long_strange_Eta25 p<5GeV           :       4 from        4 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff: 95.00 %, hitEffFirst3: 91.67 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   23_notElectron_Long_strange_Eta25 p>5GeV pt>400MeV :       3 from        3 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff: 93.33 %, hitEffFirst3: 88.89 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   24_Electron_Velo                                   :      26 from       49 [ 53.06 %]      1 clones [ 3.70 %], purity: 97.90 %, hitEff: 82.51 %, hitEffFirst3: 80.25 %, hitEffLast: 72.62 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   25_Electron_Velo_Forward                           :      21 from       39 [ 53.85 %]      1 clones [ 4.55 %], purity: 97.42 %, hitEff: 80.59 %, hitEffFirst3: 75.76 %, hitEffLast: 75.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   26_Electron_Velo_Backward                          :       5 from       10 [ 50.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff: 91.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast: 62.50 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   27_Electron_Velo_Eta25                             :      17 from       31 [ 54.84 %]      1 clones [ 5.56 %], purity: 96.85 %, hitEff: 76.27 %, hitEffFirst3: 70.37 %, hitEffLast: 75.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   28_Electron_Long_Eta25                             :       6 from        6 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 96.67 %, hitEff: 85.76 %, hitEffFirst3: 72.22 %, hitEffLast: 95.83 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   29_Electron_Long_Eta25 p>5GeV                      :       3 from        3 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 93.33 %, hitEff: 86.67 %, hitEffFirst3: 77.78 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   30_Electron_Long_Eta25 p<5GeV                      :       3 from        3 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff: 84.85 %, hitEffFirst3: 66.67 %, hitEffLast: 91.67 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   31_Electron_Long_Eta25                             :       6 from        6 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 96.67 %, hitEff: 85.76 %, hitEffFirst3: 72.22 %, hitEffLast: 95.83 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   32_Electron_Long_Eta25 p>5GeV                      :       3 from        3 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 93.33 %, hitEff: 86.67 %, hitEffFirst3: 77.78 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   33_Electron_Long__Eta25 p<5GeV                     :       3 from        3 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff: 84.85 %, hitEffFirst3: 66.67 %, hitEffLast: 91.67 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   34_Electron_Long_Eta25 p>3GeV pt>400MeV            :       1 from        1 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   35_Electron_Long_FromB_Eta25                       :       1 from        1 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   37_Electron_Long_FromBEta25 p<5GeV                 :       1 from        1 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
VeloPrChecker.Velo   INFO   38_Electron_Long_FromB_Eta25 p>3GeV pt>400MeV      :       1 from        1 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 % 

All nightlies running PrChecker will be broken due to a change to adapt the string size to the max size of hte strings and indenting all terms to the left side. This allows in the standard PrChecker also to have not the PrChecker2Fast.... INFO 12_TT_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 1 from 1 [100.00 %] 0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 % category be chunked and all PrChecker output will look like :

PrChecker2Fast       INFO Results
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO **** Velo                                 341 tracks including              3 ghosts [ 0.88 %], Event average  0.88 % ****
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   01_velo                           :     154 from      161 [ 95.65 %]      4 clones [ 2.53 %], purity: 99.77 %, hitEff: 93.56 %, hitEffFirst3: 92.41 %, hitEffLast: 93.74 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   02_long                           :      90 from       93 [ 96.77 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.60 %, hitEff: 96.47 %, hitEffFirst3: 93.33 %, hitEffLast: 98.83 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   03_long>5GeV                      :      63 from       64 [ 98.44 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.60 %, hitEff: 97.60 %, hitEffFirst3: 95.24 %, hitEffLast: 98.99 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   04_long_strange                   :       7 from        7 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 96.43 %, hitEff: 94.29 %, hitEffFirst3: 90.48 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   05_long_strange>5GeV              :       3 from        3 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 91.67 %, hitEff: 93.33 %, hitEffFirst3: 88.89 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   06_long_fromB                     :       2 from        2 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   07_long_fromB>5GeV                :       2 from        2 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   08_long_electrons                 :       6 from        6 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 96.67 %, hitEff: 85.76 %, hitEffFirst3: 72.22 %, hitEffLast: 95.83 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   09_long_fromB_electrons           :       1 from        1 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   11_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV    :       1 from        1 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO   12_TT_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV :       1 from        1 [100.00 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity:100.00 %, hitEff:100.00 %, hitEffFirst3:100.00 %, hitEffLast:100.00 %
PrChecker2Fast....   INFO

FYI : @chasse, @cattanem, @sstahl . It is still not clear to me why with the new checker we do have more tracks in the checking w.r.t the default PrCheckerFast. I dropped the GhostProbCut, the VetoElectrons and EtaCut for the PrCounter dedicated to the Velo tracks.

UPDATE : looks like the reason is that in the New Velo checker i dropped also the PrChecker2("PrChecker2").GhostProbCut = 0.9 which by default is declareProperty( "GhostProbCut", m_ghostProbCut = 1.0 );

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

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