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Momentum guided search window

Jiangqiao Hu requested to merge jihu/Rec:momentumGuidedSearchWindow into master

Added momentum guided search window to PrForwardTool. It is turned off by default. To turn it on:

PrForwardTool().UseMomentumGuidedSearchWindow = True

Tested on an empty hltperf-quanta machine, it shows 30% reduction in timing on single thread for ForwardTracking at default setting( MinPT = 400, SecondLoop = True) and nearly 2% drop in efficiency. Here is an efficiency comparison with the default setting.

In PrVeloUT, a fitter with Y offset correction is added. It doesn't nothing else but fitting the output tracks with Y offset correction. It improves the qOverP resolution which helps get more accurate search windows in PrForwardTool. This fitter is turned off by default and causes a 4% timing penalty to PrVeloUT.

To turn it on:

PrVeloUT().FinalFit = True

A switch UseMomentumGuidedSearchWindow is also added in Tf/TrackSys/Python/TrackSys/ in the ConfigHLT1 field. If it is switch on, it will set both PrForwardTool().UseMomentumGuidedSearchWindow and PrVeloUT().FinalFit to be true in the fast stage tracking.

A throughput (2 jobs, 20 threads each) test with noIPCut, VeloUTPt300MeV, ForwardPreselectionPt300MeV, ForwardPtCut400MeV setting: image

@sstahl @chasse @decianm

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

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