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No longer set PatQuality in TrackV2 in PrForwardTracking

Jiangqiao Hu requested to merge U_Fo/Rec:noPatQualityInTrackV2 into master

As there is plan to deprecate PatQuality in TrackV2, in this merge request, PrForwardTracking will no longer set PatQuality in TrackV2.

This change introduces a slight drop in ghost rate and a 0.03% loss in efficiency for FromB P > 5GeV Pt > 500MeV tracks. The cause for this diff is that in the current master version, UT IDs are "accidentally" used for calculating overlap between tracks, while in this newer version, only FT IDs are used

@chasse @decianm @sstahl @pkardos

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
