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Remove check for high-threshold hits in VeloUT,

Michel De Cian requested to merge decianm-removeHighTresholdVeloUT into master

Remove (comment out) the check for high-threshold hits in VeloUT, as it might be removed in the future from the UTHit and does not do much anyway. The discrimination power of the highThreshold bit in terms of good tracks vs fake tracks is very small (on simulation) (in VeloUT there was no change in 100 events, in PrLongLivedTracking it was < 1%, but there it is an input to a NN), but a removal would make the UTHits slimmer, which could speed up the sequence. If it turns out to be very different in newer simulation, it can easily be reintroduced again.

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
