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PrChecker2.h: Change isNoTT to isNotTT

Mengzhen Wang requested to merge upgrade-PrChecker2_isNoTT_To_isNotTT into master

Dear experts,

In line 248 of PrChecker2.h, isNotTT is labelled as "isNoTT", which is not consistent with others, like "isNotLong", "isNotDown"; while in line 358 of PrChecker2.cpp, the corresponding string is "isNotTT".

In this option file, if we require a candidate to be "isNotTT", it will always fail the selection and get zero entry; if we require a candidate to be "isNoTT", Brunel will complain that "isNoTT" is not defined.

Maybe we should change isNoTT in PrChecker2.h to isNotTT, to make it consistent with PrChecker2.cpp and other labels? With this change, the option file was able to read the information of tracks that have no TT hits. The output tuple and log files can be found in lxplus: /afs/ and /afs/ . In the PrCheckerPlots_HLT2.root, histograms named as Seed_isNotTT* in Track/PrChecker2/TTrack/ can be generated as expected.

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
