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PrCounter2: Add the nhits distribution of ghost tracks

Mengzhen Wang requested to merge mwang_PrCounter2_AddnHitsOfGhosts into master

Dear experts,

We would like to add some new features in PrCounter2.cpp, to include the distribution of number of hits used to reconstruct a Ghost track. This will enable some modifications on a efficiency handler to automaticly check the ghost rate as a function of nHits of the track.

To count the number of hits in a reconstructed track, we use LHCb::Track->lhcbIDs().size().

This MR is tested using The exact command used is:

BrunelDev_HEAD/run | tee log

For the test, only 10 events are used as input to speed up the process. The log file is attached. The output histograms can be found in lxplus: /afs/ For example, in the TDirectory Track/PrChecker2Fast/Velo, one can see histograms with the name of nHits_Ghosts and nHits_Totals, which can be used to get the ghost rate as a function of nHits of the track.

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
