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Remove SPD/PRS from CaloFuture configuration

Carla Marin Benito requested to merge cmarinbe_rmSpdPrsConfig into master

Remove SPD/PRS related variables and switches from CaloFuture configuration, namely from CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/python/CaloFutureReco/ and CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/python/CaloFutureReco/

For simplicity, the default values of the HypoTools property lists in CaloFutureSinglePhotonAlg and CaloFutureElectronAlg are empty now (they where set to "CaloFutureExtraDigits/SpdPrsExtraG" before and it was needed to set them to empty in the case that SPD/PRS was not used).

Following these changes, the Brunel configuration is updated accordingly in Brunel!791 (merged)

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
