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Update SIMDChi2Fit.h with version from commit 52027ce0

Merged Marco Cattaneo requested to merge fixgcc7warnings into 2018-patches
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+ 680
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* (c) Copyright 2000-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
* (c) Copyright 2000-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
/** @file SIMDChi2Fit.h
@@ -16,17 +16,42 @@
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#if defined(VECTOPTS)
#endif // VECTOPTS
#if defined(__clang__)
// clang flags
#define VECTOPTS "-fslp-vectorize", "-fvectorize"
#else // !defined(__clang__)
// gcc flags
#if (__GNUC__ < 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 9)
// old gcc
#define VECTOPTS "-ftree-vectorize", "-fvect-cost-model", \
"-ftree-slp-vectorize", "-ftree-vect-loop-version"
#else // (__GNUC__ < 4) || ...
// modern gcc
#define VECTOPTS "-ftree-vectorize", "-fvect-cost-model", \
#endif // (__GNUC__ < 4) || ...
#endif // defined(__clang)
#define OPT_VECTORIZE_HOT __attribute__((hot,optimize( \
"-ffast-math", "-funroll-all-loops", VECTOPTS \
#define OPT_VECTORIZE __attribute__((optimize( \
"-ffast-math", "-funroll-all-loops", VECTOPTS \
#else // !defined(__GNUC__)
#endif // defined(__GNUC__)
namespace std {
// force gcc and friends to inline inner_product aggressively
#if defined(__GNUC__)
template <class InputIt1, class InputIt2, class T>
T inner_product(InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1,
InputIt2 first2, T value) __attribute__((
optimize("-ffast-math", "-ftree-vectorize",
"-fvect-cost-model", "-ftree-slp-vectorize",
"-ftree-vect-loop-version", "-funroll-all-loops"),
InputIt2 first2, T value) OPT_VECTORIZE_HOT;
@@ -53,32 +78,32 @@ namespace SIMDChi2FitUtils {
* @tparam FLOATTYPE floating point type for calculations
* @tparam TRACKTYPE track (data) type
* @tparam HITTYPE hit (data) type
* @tparam NDIM dimensionality of the parameter space
* @tparam NITERMAX how often to iterate the fit
* @tparam NDIM dimensionality of the parameter space
* @tparam NITERMAX how often to iterate the fit
* if the object should support returning the covariance
* matrix
* if the object should support returning the covariance
* matrix
template <class FLOATTYPE, class TRACKTYPE, class HITTYPE,
unsigned NDIM, unsigned NITERMAX, bool DEFERREDCOVARIANCE = false>
unsigned NDIM, unsigned NITERMAX, bool DEFERREDCOVARIANCE = false>
struct CommonFitPolicy
enum {
nDim = NDIM ///< dimensionality of fit
nDim = NDIM ///< dimensionality of fit
enum {
nIterMax = NITERMAX ///< how often to iterate the fit
nIterMax = NITERMAX ///< how often to iterate the fit
enum {
/// support returning the covariance matrix
deferredCovariance = DEFERREDCOVARIANCE
/// support returning the covariance matrix
deferredCovariance = DEFERREDCOVARIANCE
/// possible states after updating hit parameters
typedef enum {
NotPosDef, ///< lin. system not pos. definite
UpdateRejected, ///< fit policy rejects outrageous parameter update
UpdateAccepted, ///< fit policy accepts parameter update
FitConverged ///< fit policy has found convergence
NotPosDef, ///< lin. system not pos. definite
UpdateRejected, ///< fit policy rejects outrageous parameter update
UpdateAccepted, ///< fit policy accepts parameter update
FitConverged ///< fit policy has found convergence
} FitStatus;
/// number representation
@@ -91,29 +116,29 @@ struct CommonFitPolicy
typedef std::array<value_type, nDim> vector_type;
/// (packed) matrix type (cov. matrix)
typedef std::array<value_type, (nDim * (nDim + 1)) / 2> matrix_type;
/// export our own type to derived classes
// protect against user error
static_assert(nDim > 0,
"Fit parameter space must have positive dimension.");
"Fit parameter space must have positive dimension.");
static_assert(nIterMax > 0,
"Maximum number of fit iterations must be positive.");
"Maximum number of fit iterations must be positive.");
"Invalid type for value_type - must be floating point type.");
"Invalid type for value_type - must be floating point type.");
static_assert(std::is_class<track_type>::value ||
std::is_reference<track_type>::value ||
std::is_reference<track_type>::value ||
"Invalid type for track_type - must be of class/struct, "
"reference or pointer type.");
"Invalid type for track_type - must be of class/struct, "
"reference or pointer type.");
static_assert(std::is_class<hit_type>::value ||
std::is_reference<hit_type>::value ||
std::is_reference<hit_type>::value ||
"Invalid type for hit_type - must be of class/struct, "
"reference or pointer type.");
"Invalid type for hit_type - must be of class/struct, "
"reference or pointer type.");
using value_type = typename COMMONPOLICY::value_type; \
@@ -153,23 +178,23 @@ template <class COMMONPOLICY> struct MeasurementProvider : public COMMONPOLICY
* @tparam Proj measurement projector class to be used
* (e.g. to resolve left-right ambiguities towards the
* wire, or to modify the measurement error depending on
* the angle of incidence)
* (e.g. to resolve left-right ambiguities towards the
* wire, or to modify the measurement error depending on
* the angle of incidence)
* @param hit hit for which to provide measurement
* @param track track (e.g. to resolve left/right ambiguities towards
* the track in a drift tube detector)
* @param projector measurement projector instance to be used
* (e.g. to resolve left-right ambiguities towards the
* wire, or to modify the measurement error depending on
* the angle of incidence)
* the track in a drift tube detector)
* @param projector measurement projector instance to be used
* (e.g. to resolve left-right ambiguities towards the
* wire, or to modify the measurement error depending on
* the angle of incidence)
* @returns weighted measurement
template <class PROJ>
value_type wmeas(const hit_type& hit, const track_type& track,
const PROJ& projector) const;
const PROJ& projector) const;
/** @brief MeasurementProjector - policy class to project a track into the
@@ -187,10 +212,10 @@ template <class COMMONPOLICY> struct MeasurementProjector : public COMMONPOLICY
/// return weight times measurement ("x(track) / sigma_x")
value_type wproj(
const track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) const;
const track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) const;
/// return weight times gradient vector
vector_type wgrad(
const track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) const;
const track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) const;
/** @brief return the initial right hand side of the linear system before
* adding hits
@@ -218,7 +243,7 @@ template <class COMMONPOLICY> struct TrackUpdater : public COMMONPOLICY
/// update track parameters, returns rejected, accepted, converged
FitStatus updateTrack(
track_type& track, const vector_type& dparam) const;
track_type& track, const vector_type& dparam) const;
/** @brief HitUpdater - policy class to update a hit following a track update
@@ -235,7 +260,7 @@ template <class COMMONPOLICY> struct HitUpdater : public COMMONPOLICY
/// update track parameters, returns rejected, accepted, converged
void updateHit(
hit_type& hit, const track_type& track) const;
hit_type& hit, const track_type& track) const;
/// SIMDChi2Fit implementation details
@@ -250,65 +275,65 @@ namespace SIMDChi2FitImplDetail {
template<class M, size_t N>
class transposer_helper
M& m_lhs; ///< underlying matrix
M& m_lhs; ///< underlying matrix
size_t m_idx; ///< column of the underlying matrix to be written/read
friend class transposer<M, N>;
template<class MM, size_t NN>
friend class transposer_helper;
transposer_helper(M& lhs, size_t idx) noexcept :
m_lhs(lhs), m_idx(idx)
{ }
/// assign to this row
template<class T>
auto operator=(const T& rhs) const noexcept -> decltype(*this)
transposer_helper<M, N - 1>(m_lhs, m_idx) = rhs;
m_lhs[N - 1][m_idx] = rhs[N - 1];
return *this;
/// read/write access to underlying matrix elements
auto operator[](
size_t idx) const noexcept -> decltype(m_lhs[idx][m_idx])&
{ return m_lhs[idx][m_idx]; }
friend class transposer<M, N>;
template<class MM, size_t NN>
friend class transposer_helper;
transposer_helper(M& lhs, size_t idx) noexcept :
m_lhs(lhs), m_idx(idx)
{ }
/// assign to this row
template<class T>
auto operator=(const T& rhs) const noexcept -> decltype(*this)
transposer_helper<M, N - 1>(m_lhs, m_idx) = rhs;
m_lhs[N - 1][m_idx] = rhs[N - 1];
return *this;
/// read/write access to underlying matrix elements
auto operator[](
size_t idx) const noexcept -> decltype(m_lhs[idx][m_idx])&
{ return m_lhs[idx][m_idx]; }
/// specialisation to terminate recursion
template<class M>
class transposer_helper<M, 0>
friend class transposer<M, 0>;
friend class transposer<M, 0>;
template<class MM, size_t NN>
friend class transposer_helper;
friend class transposer_helper;
transposer_helper(M&, size_t) noexcept { }
transposer_helper(M&, size_t) noexcept { }
template<class T>
template<class T>
auto operator=(const T&) const noexcept -> decltype(*this)
{ return *this; }
{ return *this; }
/// transposed view of underlying matrix
template <class M, size_t N>
class transposer
M& m_lhs; ///< underlying matrix
M& m_lhs; ///< underlying matrix
/// constructor
transposer(M& lhs) noexcept : m_lhs(lhs) { }
transposer(M& lhs) noexcept : m_lhs(lhs) { }
/// return view of column of underlying matrix as row vector
transposer_helper<M, N> operator[](size_t idx) const noexcept
{ return transposer_helper<M, N>(m_lhs, idx); }
/// return view of column of underlying matrix as row vector
transposer_helper<M, N> operator[](size_t idx) const noexcept
{ return transposer_helper<M, N>(m_lhs, idx); }
/// return a transposed view of given matrix
@@ -323,57 +348,57 @@ namespace vect_impl {
/// dot product @f$\sum_i a_i * b_i@f$
template <typename T, unsigned N>
struct sdot {
T operator()(const T* a, const T *b, T init)
return (1 == N) ? (*a * *b + init) :
sdot<T, N - N / 2>()(a + N / 2, b + N / 2,
sdot<T, N / 2>()(a, b, init));
T operator()(const T* a, const T *b, T init)
return (1 == N) ? (*a * *b + init) :
sdot<T, N - N / 2>()(a + N / 2, b + N / 2,
sdot<T, N / 2>()(a, b, init));
/// vectorised dot product @f$\sum_i a_{Wi+k} * b_{Wi+k}@f$ (k=0, ..., W-1)
template <typename T, unsigned N, unsigned W>
struct vdot {
#ifdef __clang__
typedef T __attribute__((ext_vector_type(W))) vT;
typedef T __attribute__((ext_vector_type(W))) vT;
typedef T __attribute__((vector_size(W * sizeof(T)))) vT;
vT operator()(const vT* a, const vT *b)
return (1 == N) ? (*a * *b) :
(vdot<T, N / 2, W>()(a, b) +
vdot<T, N - N / 2, W>()(a + N / 2, b + N / 2));
(vdot<T, N / 2, W>()(a, b) +
vdot<T, N - N / 2, W>()(a + N / 2, b + N / 2));
/// dot product driver
template <typename T, unsigned N, unsigned W>
struct dot {
#ifdef __clang__
typedef T __attribute__((ext_vector_type(W))) vT;
typedef T __attribute__((ext_vector_type(W))) vT;
typedef T __attribute__((vector_size(W * sizeof(T)))) vT;
T operator()(const T* a, const T* b, T init)
if (N / W) {
// we can vectorise at current width W, so do it
auto tmp = vdot<T, N / W, W>()((const vT *) a, (const vT*) b);
for (unsigned i = 0; W != i; ++i) init += tmp[i];
/// return, try doing remainder of dot product at half width
return (N - W * (N / W)) ?
dot<T, N - W * (N / W), W / 2>()(
a + W * (N / W), b + W * (N / W), init) : init;
// we can vectorise at current width W, so do it
auto tmp = vdot<T, N / W, W>()((const vT *) a, (const vT*) b);
for (unsigned i = 0; W != i; ++i) init += tmp[i];
/// return, try doing remainder of dot product at half width
return (N - W * (N / W)) ?
dot<T, N - W * (N / W), W / 2>()(
a + W * (N / W), b + W * (N / W), init) : init;
/// dot product kernel driver (specialised W = 1)
template <typename T, unsigned N>
struct dot<T, N, 1> {
T operator()(const T* a, const T* b, T init)
{ return sdot<T, N>()(a, b, init); }
T operator()(const T* a, const T* b, T init)
{ return sdot<T, N>()(a, b, init); }
@@ -387,9 +412,9 @@ namespace vect {
* @tparam SIMDWIDTH maximum SIMD width that the CPU can handle
* @param a beginning of vector a
* @param aend end of vector a
* @param b beginning of vector b
* @param init initial value
* @param aend end of vector a
* @param b beginning of vector b
* @param init initial value
* @returns @f$init + \sum_i a_i b_i @f$
@@ -402,48 +427,48 @@ namespace vect {
template <typename T, unsigned SIMDWIDTH>
T dot_product(const T* a, const T* aend, const T* b, T init)
using namespace vect_impl;
// unroll loop up to length 32; use (individually optimised) fixed
// length dot product kernels to compute the full product
while (aend - a >= 32) { // 32 or more elements left
init = dot<T, 32, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
using namespace vect_impl;
// unroll loop up to length 32; use (individually optimised) fixed
// length dot product kernels to compute the full product
while (aend - a >= 32) { // 32 or more elements left
init = dot<T, 32, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
a += 32, b += 32;
switch (aend - a) { // take care of the rest
case 31: return dot<T, 31, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 30: return dot<T, 30, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 29: return dot<T, 29, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 28: return dot<T, 28, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 27: return dot<T, 27, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 26: return dot<T, 26, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 25: return dot<T, 25, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 24: return dot<T, 24, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 23: return dot<T, 23, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 22: return dot<T, 22, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 21: return dot<T, 21, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 20: return dot<T, 20, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 19: return dot<T, 19, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 18: return dot<T, 18, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 17: return dot<T, 17, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 16: return dot<T, 16, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 15: return dot<T, 15, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 14: return dot<T, 14, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 13: return dot<T, 13, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 12: return dot<T, 12, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 11: return dot<T, 11, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 10: return dot<T, 10, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 9: return dot<T, 9, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 8: return dot<T, 8, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 7: return dot<T, 7, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 6: return dot<T, 6, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 5: return dot<T, 5, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 4: return dot<T, 4, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 3: return dot<T, 3, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 2: return dot<T, 2, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 1: return dot<T, 1, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
default: break;
return init;
switch (aend - a) { // take care of the rest
case 31: return dot<T, 31, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 30: return dot<T, 30, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 29: return dot<T, 29, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 28: return dot<T, 28, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 27: return dot<T, 27, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 26: return dot<T, 26, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 25: return dot<T, 25, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 24: return dot<T, 24, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 23: return dot<T, 23, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 22: return dot<T, 22, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 21: return dot<T, 21, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 20: return dot<T, 20, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 19: return dot<T, 19, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 18: return dot<T, 18, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 17: return dot<T, 17, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 16: return dot<T, 16, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 15: return dot<T, 15, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 14: return dot<T, 14, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 13: return dot<T, 13, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 12: return dot<T, 12, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 11: return dot<T, 11, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 10: return dot<T, 10, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 9: return dot<T, 9, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 8: return dot<T, 8, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 7: return dot<T, 7, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 6: return dot<T, 6, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 5: return dot<T, 5, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 4: return dot<T, 4, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 3: return dot<T, 3, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 2: return dot<T, 2, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
case 1: return dot<T, 1, SIMDWIDTH>()(a, b, init);
default: break;
return init;
@@ -458,32 +483,32 @@ namespace vect {
/// customised:
/// class providing @f$x_k/\sigma_k@f$ for each hit; it will also return a
/// flag specifying if the hit should be included in the fit
/// class providing @f$x_k/\sigma_k@f$ for each hit; it will also return a
/// flag specifying if the hit should be included in the fit
/// class providing @f$f(z_k; \vec{p})/\sigma_k@f$ and
/// @f$\vec{\nabla}_{\vec{p}} f(z_k; \vec{p})/\sigma_k@f$ given a track and
/// a hit
/// class providing @f$f(z_k; \vec{p})/\sigma_k@f$ and
/// @f$\vec{\nabla}_{\vec{p}} f(z_k; \vec{p})/\sigma_k@f$ given a track and
/// a hit
/// @tparam TRACKUPDATER
/// class which knows how to apply a track parameter update
/// @f$\delta\vec{p}@f$ to a track
/// class which knows how to apply a track parameter update
/// @f$\delta\vec{p}@f$ to a track
/// @tparam HITUPDATER
/// class which is knows how to update hits after a track parameter update
/// (can do nothing if no such action is required)
/// class which is knows how to update hits after a track parameter update
/// (can do nothing if no such action is required)
/// @tparam NHITSMAX
/// maximum number of hits to add to the inverse covariance matrix using
/// auto-vectorised loops in one go (needs an array on the stack, so this
/// shouldn't be larger than the number of hits you expect on a track)
/// maximum number of hits to add to the inverse covariance matrix using
/// auto-vectorised loops in one go (needs an array on the stack, so this
/// shouldn't be larger than the number of hits you expect on a track)
/// @tparam SIMDWIDTH
/// width of the SIMD path on the architecture used, if the CPU can operate
/// on four doubles with a single instruction, this should be 4 (if this
/// value is too large, it incurs some tiny inefficiency, but it should be
/// a multiple of the true SIMD path width)
/// width of the SIMD path on the architecture used, if the CPU can operate
/// on four doubles with a single instruction, this should be 4 (if this
/// value is too large, it incurs some tiny inefficiency, but it should be
/// a multiple of the true SIMD path width)
/// TRACKUPDATER and HITUPDATER all inherit from the templated CommonFitPolicy
@@ -512,7 +537,7 @@ namespace vect {
/// parameter shifts @f$\delta\vec{p}@f$ around a reasonable estimate
/// @f$\vec{p}@f$ of track parameters to permit solving the problem iteratively
/// for small non-linearities in @f$f@f$.
/// To minimise the @f$\chi^2@f$, the gradient is put to zero:
/// @f[ \vec{0} = \vec{\nabla}_{\delta\vec{p}} \chi^2 =
/// 2 \sum_k \frac{1}{\sigma_k^2} \left(
@@ -531,7 +556,7 @@ namespace vect {
/// @f[
/// \sum_k \frac{1}{\sigma_k^2}
/// (\vec{\nabla}_{\vec{p}} f(z_k; \vec{p}))_i \cdot
/// (\vec{\nabla}_{\vec{p}} f(z_k; \vec{p}))_j \cdot (\delta\vec{p})_j =
/// (\vec{\nabla}_{\vec{p}} f(z_k; \vec{p}))_j \cdot (\delta\vec{p})_j =
/// \sum_k \frac{1}{\sigma_k^2}
/// (\vec{\nabla}_{\vec{p}} f(z_k; \vec{p}))_i \cdot
/// (x_k - f(z_k; \vec{p}))
@@ -585,7 +610,7 @@ namespace vect {
/// hit.z * hit.z / hit.sigma_x } };
/// }
/// };
/// // the TrackUpdater knows how to modify the Track class on parameter
/// // updates; it also keeps a critical eye on the absolute size of the updates
/// // to tell if things converge or diverge
@@ -606,15 +631,15 @@ namespace vect {
/// return UpdateAccepted;
/// }
/// };
/// // the HitUpdater updates hits after a track parameter update; in this
/// // example, it has nothing to do...
/// struct SimpleXHitUpdater : public HitUpdater<SimpleXFitPolicy>
/// { void updateHit(hit_type& hit, const track_type& track) const { } };
/// // finally: assemble the fully customised type for the parabola fit
/// typedef SIMDChi2Fit<SimpleXMeasurementProvider, SimpleXMeasurementProjector,
/// SimpleXTrackUpdater, SimpleXHitUpdater, 16> SimpleXFit;
/// SimpleXTrackUpdater, SimpleXHitUpdater, 16> SimpleXFit;
/// @endcode
/// With this code in place, fitting a track becomes very easy indeed:
/// @code
@@ -704,527 +729,499 @@ namespace vect {
/// some redesign will be needed...
unsigned NHITSMAX, unsigned SIMDWIDTH = 4 >
class SIMDChi2Fit : public MEASUREMENTPROVIDER::commonfitpolicy_type
/// @brief class to wrap an iterator pair for use as a range
template<class IT> struct iter_pair_range : public std::pair<IT, IT> {
iter_pair_range(IT&& begin, IT&& end) :
std::pair<IT, IT>(std::forward(begin), std::begin(end))
{ }
IT begin() const { return std::pair<IT, IT>::first; }
IT end() const { return std::pair<IT, IT>::second; }
/// @brief construct a range from an iterator pair
template <class IT>
static iter_pair_range<IT> as_range(IT&& begin, IT&& end)
{ return iter_pair_range<IT>(
std::forward(begin), std::forward(end)); }
/// @brief class to wrap an iterator pair for use as a range
template<class IT> struct iter_pair_range : public std::pair<IT, IT> {
iter_pair_range(IT&& begin, IT&& end) :
std::pair<IT, IT>(std::forward(begin), std::begin(end))
{ }
IT begin() const { return std::pair<IT, IT>::first; }
IT end() const { return std::pair<IT, IT>::second; }
/// @brief construct a range from an iterator pair
template <class IT>
static iter_pair_range<IT> as_range(IT&& begin, IT&& end)
{ return iter_pair_range<IT>(
std::forward(begin), std::forward(end)); }
std::is_same<typename MEASUREMENTPROJECTOR::commonfitpolicy_type,
commonfitpolicy_type>::value &&
std::is_same<typename TRACKUPDATER::commonfitpolicy_type,
commonfitpolicy_type>::value &&
std::is_same<typename HITUPDATER::commonfitpolicy_type,
"CommonFitPolicy types do not match.");
/// @brief max. number of hits to add in one SIMD loop
enum { nHitsMax = NHITSMAX };
/// @brief max. width of SIMD operation (for padding)
enum { simdWidth = SIMDWIDTH };
static_assert(nHitsMax % simdWidth == 0,
"nHitsMax must be multiple of simdWidth");
/// @brief common fit policy
typedef commonfitpolicy_type CommonFitPolicy;
/// @brief type which provides the measurement for a given hit
typedef MEASUREMENTPROVIDER MeasurementProvider;
/// @brief type which projects a track into the measurement space of a hit
typedef MEASUREMENTPROJECTOR MeasurementProjector;
/// @brief type which knows how to update track parameters
typedef TRACKUPDATER TrackUpdater;
/// @brief type which knows how to update hits after a track parameter change
typedef HITUPDATER HitUpdater;
std::is_same<typename MEASUREMENTPROJECTOR::commonfitpolicy_type,
commonfitpolicy_type>::value &&
std::is_same<typename TRACKUPDATER::commonfitpolicy_type,
commonfitpolicy_type>::value &&
std::is_same<typename HITUPDATER::commonfitpolicy_type,
"CommonFitPolicy types do not match.");
/// @brief max. number of hits to add in one SIMD loop
enum { nHitsMax = NHITSMAX };
/// @brief max. width of SIMD operation (for padding)
enum { simdWidth = SIMDWIDTH };
static_assert(nHitsMax % simdWidth == 0,
"nHitsMax must be multiple of simdWidth");
/// @brief common fit policy
typedef commonfitpolicy_type CommonFitPolicy;
/// @brief type which provides the measurement for a given hit
typedef MEASUREMENTPROVIDER MeasurementProvider;
/// @brief type which projects a track into the measurement space of a hit
typedef MEASUREMENTPROJECTOR MeasurementProjector;
/// @brief type which knows how to update track parameters
typedef TRACKUPDATER TrackUpdater;
/// @brief type which knows how to update hits after a track parameter change
typedef HITUPDATER HitUpdater;
matrix_type m_icov; ///< @brief (inverse) covariance matrix
vector_type m_rhs; ///< @brief right hand side of problem
int m_ndf; ///< @brief number of degrees of freedom
FitStatus m_status; ///< @brief fit status
/** @brief empty struct as a zero size placeholder for the deferred
* covariance matrix calculation machinery
struct Empty {
Empty() { }
template <class T> Empty(const T&) { }
template <class T> void operator=(const T&) { }
/** @brief structure to capture the decomposition, so the inversion to
* obtain the covariance matrix can be deferred
struct DeferredCovariance {
typedef ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecomp<value_type, nDim> decomp_type;
decomp_type m_decomp;
matrix_type m_icov; ///< @brief (inverse) covariance matrix
vector_type m_rhs; ///< @brief right hand side of problem
int m_ndf; ///< @brief number of degrees of freedom
FitStatus m_status; ///< @brief fit status
/** @brief empty struct as a zero size placeholder for the deferred
* covariance matrix calculation machinery
struct Empty {
Empty() { }
template <class T> Empty(const T&) { }
template <class T> void operator=(const T&) { }
/** @brief structure to capture the decomposition, so the inversion to
* obtain the covariance matrix can be deferred
struct DeferredCovariance {
typedef ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecomp<value_type, nDim> decomp_type;
decomp_type m_decomp;
#if 0 // add back in once C++11 support has caught up
"decomp_type's destructor has side-effects, "
"this is dangerous!");
"this is dangerous!");
DeferredCovariance(const decomp_type& decomp) : m_decomp(decomp)
{ }
template<class T>
bool operator()(T& cov) const { return m_decomp.Invert(cov); }
/** @brief union to avoid having to initialise the deferred covariance
* calculation
union DeferredCovarianceUnion {
DeferredCovarianceUnion() { }
typename std::conditional<deferredCovariance,
DeferredCovariance, Empty>::type m_deferredCovariance;
} m_deferredCovarianceUnion;
/** @brief true if m_deferredCovarianceUnion contains a valid deferred
* calculation
typename std::conditional<deferredCovariance, bool, Empty>::type
{ }
template<class T>
bool operator()(T& cov) const { return m_decomp.Invert(cov); }
/** @brief union to avoid having to initialise the deferred covariance
* calculation
union DeferredCovarianceUnion {
DeferredCovarianceUnion() { }
typename std::conditional<deferredCovariance,
DeferredCovariance, Empty>::type m_deferredCovariance;
} m_deferredCovarianceUnion;
/** @brief true if m_deferredCovarianceUnion contains a valid deferred
* calculation
typename std::conditional<deferredCovariance, bool, Empty>::type
/** @brief fit a track to the hits given in rangeOrContainer
* @param track track whose parameters are to be updated
* @param rangeOrContainer
* hits to be fitted
template<class RC>
SIMDChi2Fit(track_type& track, RC& rangeOrContainer) noexcept :
m_status(doFit(track, rangeOrContainer))
{ }
/** @brief fit a track to the hits given in rangeOrContainer
* @param track track whose parameters are to be updated
* @param begin begin of range of hits to be fitted
* @param end end of range of hits to be fitted
template<class IT>
SIMDChi2Fit(track_type& track, IT&& begin, IT&& end) :
SIMDChi2Fit(track, as_range(std::forward(begin), std::forward(end)))
{ }
/** @brief return true if the last fit converged
* @returns true if the fit converged and the hit has at least as many
* data points as degrees of freedom
operator bool() const noexcept
return (1 == nIterMax) ? (UpdateAccepted <= m_status) :
(FitConverged <= m_status);
/** @brief return true if the last fit converged
* @returns true if the fit converged and the hit has at least as many
* data points as degrees of freedom
bool ok() const noexcept { return *this; }
/** @brief return status of last fit
* @returns status of last fit
FitStatus status() const noexcept { return m_status; }
/** @brief return number of degrees of freedom
* @returns number of degrees of freedom
* @note This is calculated as number of data poins minus number of fit
* parameters, so it can be negative if you try to fit too many
* parameters.
int ndf() const noexcept { return m_ndf; }
/** @brief calculate @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution of a hit
* @param track track with respect to which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @param hit hit for which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @returns @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @note please check that the last fit went ok()
* @note Hits for which MeasurementProvider().valid(hit) is false are
* skipped.
value_type chi2(const track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) const noexcept
#if defined(__GNUC__)
// force gcc and friends to optimise aggressively
__attribute__((optimize("-ffast-math", "-ftree-vectorize", "-fvect-cost-model", "-ftree-slp-vectorize", "-ftree-vect-loop-version"), flatten));
/** @brief calculate @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution of a range of hits
* @param track track with respect to which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @param begin start of range of hits for which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @param end end of range of hits for which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @returns @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @note please check that the last fit went ok()
* @note Hits for which MeasurementProvider().valid(hit) is false are
* skipped.
template <class IT>
value_type chi2(const track_type& track, const IT& begin, const IT& end) const noexcept
decltype(*begin), const hit_type&>::value,
"Iterator type IT does not deference to correct type");
return std::accumulate(begin, end, value_type(0),
[&](value_type chi2sum, const hit_type& hit)
{ return chi2sum + this->chi2(track, hit); });
/** @brief calculate @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution of a range of a
* container or range
* @param track track with respect to which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @param containerOrRange
* hits for which to calculate the @f$\chi^2@f$
* contribution
* @returns @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @note please check that the last fit went ok()
* @note Hits for which MeasurementProvider().valid(hit) is false are
* skipped.
template <class C>
value_type chi2(const track_type& track, const C& containerOrRange) const noexcept
{ return chi2(track,
std::begin(containerOrRange), std::end(containerOrRange)); }
/** @brief refit a track to the hits given in rangeOrContainer
* @param track track whose parameters are to be updated
* @param rangeOrContainer
* hits to be fitted
* @returns fit status
* Use this routine to repeat the computations done in the constructor.
template<class RC>
FitStatus refit(track_type& track, RC& rangeOrContainer) noexcept
{ return (m_status = doFit(track, rangeOrContainer)); }
/** @brief refit a track to the hits given in rangeOrContainer
* @param track track whose parameters are to be updated
* @param begin begin of range of hits to be fitted
* @param end end of range of hits to be fitted
* @returns fit status
* Use this routine to repeat the computations done in the constructor.
template<class IT>
FitStatus refit(track_type& track, IT&& begin, IT&& end) noexcept
{ return refit(track, as_range(std::forward(begin), std::forward(end))); }
/** @brief add a single hit to inverse covariance matrix and right hand side
* @param track track for which the fit is to be performed
* @param hit hit to be added
* @note This routine does not refit the track, nor does it update hits
* after the track parameter update.
* The typical use case is for a perfectly linear track model where
* including/excluding single hits can be done without a full refit.
* Example:
* @code
* SIMDChi2Fit<...> fit(track, hits);
* // stop if the fit failed, or if we cannot remove a single hit
* if (!fit || fit.ndf() < 1) throw;
* // find the hit with the largest influence on chi2
* const Hit* worst = 0;
* const double chi2 = fit.chi2(track, hits);
* double chi2inc = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
* for (Hit& hit : hits) {
* fit.removeHit(track, hit);
* hit.setValid(false);
* fit.refit(track);
* double lchi2inc = fit.chi2(track, hits) - chi2;
* if (lchi2inc > chi2inc) chi2inc = lchi2inc, worst = &hit;
* hit.setValid(true);
* fit.addHit(track, hit);
* }
* @endcode
void addHit(track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) noexcept
{ ++m_ndf; doAddRemoveHit(track, hit, +1); }
/** @brief add a single hit to inverse covariance matrix and right hand side
* @param track track for which the fit is to be performed
* @param hit hit to be added
* @note This routine does not refit the track, nor does it update hits
* after the track parameter update.
* The typical use case is for a perfectly linear track model where
* including/excluding single hits can be done without a full refit.
* Example:
* @code
* SIMDChi2Fit<...> fit(track, hits);
* // stop if the fit failed, or if we cannot remove a single hit
* if (!fit || fit.ndf() < 1) throw;
* // find the hit with the largest influence on chi2
* const Hit* worst = 0;
* const double chi2 = fit.chi2(track, hits);
* double chi2inc = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
* for (Hit& hit : hits) {
* fit.removeHit(track, hit);
* hit.setValid(false);
* fit.refit(track);
* double lchi2inc = fit.chi2(track, hits) - chi2;
* if (lchi2inc > chi2inc) chi2inc = lchi2inc, worst = &hit;
* hit.setValid(true);
* fit.addHit(track, hit);
* }
* @endcode
void removeHit(track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) noexcept
{ --m_ndf; doAddRemoveHit(track, hit, -1); }
/** @brief refit after adding/removing single hits
* @param track track for which the refit is to be performed
* @returns fit status
* @note This routine refits the track, but does not update hits after
* the track parameter update.
* The typical use case is for a perfectly linear track model where
* including/excluding single hits can be done without a full refit.
* Example:
* @code
* SIMDChi2Fit<...> fit(track, hits);
* // stop if the fit failed, or if we cannot remove a single hit
* if (!fit || fit.ndf() < 1) throw;
* // find the hit with the largest influence on chi2
* const Hit* worst = 0;
* const double chi2 = fit.chi2(track, hits);
* double chi2inc = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
* for (Hit& hit : hits) {
* fit.removeHit(track, hit);
* hit.setValid(false);
* fit.refit(track);
* double lchi2inc = fit.chi2(track, hits) - chi2;
* if (lchi2inc > chi2inc) chi2inc = lchi2inc, worst = &hit;
* hit.setValid(true);
* fit.addHit(track, hit);
* }
* @endcode
FitStatus refit(track_type& track) noexcept
{ return (m_status = solveAndUpdate(track)); }
/** @brief return the covariance matrix of the last fit
* @param cov where to store the covariance matrix
* @returns true on success, false on failure
* @note if deferredCovariance is false (set via commonfitpolicy_type),
* this method is absent.
/** @brief fit a track to the hits given in rangeOrContainer
* @param track track whose parameters are to be updated
* @param rangeOrContainer
* hits to be fitted
template<class T>
bool cov(typename std::enable_if<
deferredCovariance, T>::type& cov) const noexcept
// check if we have a deferred covariance calculation stored
if (m_deferredCovarianceInitialised && ok()) {
// yes, do the calculation
return m_deferredCovarianceUnion.m_deferredCovariance(cov);
} else {
// no, refuse to work
return false;
template<class RC>
SIMDChi2Fit(track_type& track, RC& rangeOrContainer) noexcept :
m_status(doFit(track, rangeOrContainer))
{ }
/** @brief fit a track to the hits given in rangeOrContainer
* @param track track whose parameters are to be updated
* @param begin begin of range of hits to be fitted
* @param end end of range of hits to be fitted
template<class IT>
SIMDChi2Fit(track_type& track, IT&& begin, IT&& end) :
SIMDChi2Fit(track, as_range(std::forward(begin), std::forward(end)))
{ }
/** @brief return true if the last fit converged
* @returns true if the fit converged and the hit has at least as many
* data points as degrees of freedom
operator bool() const noexcept
return (1 == nIterMax) ? (UpdateAccepted <= m_status) :
(FitConverged <= m_status);
/** @brief return true if the last fit converged
* @returns true if the fit converged and the hit has at least as many
* data points as degrees of freedom
bool ok() const noexcept { return *this; }
/** @brief return status of last fit
* @returns status of last fit
FitStatus status() const noexcept { return m_status; }
/** @brief return number of degrees of freedom
* @returns number of degrees of freedom
* @note This is calculated as number of data poins minus number of fit
* parameters, so it can be negative if you try to fit too many
* parameters.
int ndf() const noexcept { return m_ndf; }
/** @brief calculate @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution of a hit
* @param track track with respect to which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @param hit hit for which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @returns @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @note please check that the last fit went ok()
* @note Hits for which MeasurementProvider().valid(hit) is false are
* skipped.
value_type chi2(const track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) const noexcept
/** @brief calculate @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution of a range of hits
* @param track track with respect to which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @param begin start of range of hits for which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @param end end of range of hits for which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @returns @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @note please check that the last fit went ok()
* @note Hits for which MeasurementProvider().valid(hit) is false are
* skipped.
template <class IT>
value_type chi2(const track_type& track, const IT& begin, const IT& end) const noexcept
decltype(*begin), const hit_type&>::value,
"Iterator type IT does not deference to correct type");
return std::accumulate(begin, end, value_type(0),
[&](value_type chi2sum, const hit_type& hit)
{ return chi2sum + this->chi2(track, hit); });
/** @brief calculate @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution of a range of a
* container or range
* @param track track with respect to which to calculate
* the @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @param containerOrRange
* hits for which to calculate the @f$\chi^2@f$
* contribution
* @returns @f$\chi^2@f$ contribution
* @note please check that the last fit went ok()
* @note Hits for which MeasurementProvider().valid(hit) is false are
* skipped.
template <class C>
value_type chi2(const track_type& track, const C& containerOrRange) const noexcept
{ return chi2(track,
std::begin(containerOrRange), std::end(containerOrRange)); }
/** @brief refit a track to the hits given in rangeOrContainer
* @param track track whose parameters are to be updated
* @param rangeOrContainer
* hits to be fitted
* @returns fit status
* Use this routine to repeat the computations done in the constructor.
template<class RC>
FitStatus refit(track_type& track, RC& rangeOrContainer) noexcept
{ return (m_status = doFit(track, rangeOrContainer)); }
/** @brief refit a track to the hits given in rangeOrContainer
* @param track track whose parameters are to be updated
* @param begin begin of range of hits to be fitted
* @param end end of range of hits to be fitted
* @returns fit status
* Use this routine to repeat the computations done in the constructor.
template<class IT>
FitStatus refit(track_type& track, IT&& begin, IT&& end) noexcept
{ return refit(track, as_range(std::forward(begin), std::forward(end))); }
/** @brief add a single hit to inverse covariance matrix and right hand side
* @param track track for which the fit is to be performed
* @param hit hit to be added
* @note This routine does not refit the track, nor does it update hits
* after the track parameter update.
* The typical use case is for a perfectly linear track model where
* including/excluding single hits can be done without a full refit.
* Example:
* @code
* SIMDChi2Fit<...> fit(track, hits);
* // stop if the fit failed, or if we cannot remove a single hit
* if (!fit || fit.ndf() < 1) throw;
* // find the hit with the largest influence on chi2
* const Hit* worst = 0;
* const double chi2 = fit.chi2(track, hits);
* double chi2inc = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
* for (Hit& hit : hits) {
* fit.removeHit(track, hit);
* hit.setValid(false);
* fit.refit(track);
* double lchi2inc = fit.chi2(track, hits) - chi2;
* if (lchi2inc > chi2inc) chi2inc = lchi2inc, worst = &hit;
* hit.setValid(true);
* fit.addHit(track, hit);
* }
* @endcode
void addHit(track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) noexcept
{ ++m_ndf; doAddRemoveHit(track, hit, +1); }
/** @brief add a single hit to inverse covariance matrix and right hand side
* @param track track for which the fit is to be performed
* @param hit hit to be added
* @note This routine does not refit the track, nor does it update hits
* after the track parameter update.
* The typical use case is for a perfectly linear track model where
* including/excluding single hits can be done without a full refit.
* Example:
* @code
* SIMDChi2Fit<...> fit(track, hits);
* // stop if the fit failed, or if we cannot remove a single hit
* if (!fit || fit.ndf() < 1) throw;
* // find the hit with the largest influence on chi2
* const Hit* worst = 0;
* const double chi2 = fit.chi2(track, hits);
* double chi2inc = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
* for (Hit& hit : hits) {
* fit.removeHit(track, hit);
* hit.setValid(false);
* fit.refit(track);
* double lchi2inc = fit.chi2(track, hits) - chi2;
* if (lchi2inc > chi2inc) chi2inc = lchi2inc, worst = &hit;
* hit.setValid(true);
* fit.addHit(track, hit);
* }
* @endcode
void removeHit(track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) noexcept
{ --m_ndf; doAddRemoveHit(track, hit, -1); }
/** @brief refit after adding/removing single hits
* @param track track for which the refit is to be performed
* @returns fit status
* @note This routine refits the track, but does not update hits after
* the track parameter update.
* The typical use case is for a perfectly linear track model where
* including/excluding single hits can be done without a full refit.
* Example:
* @code
* SIMDChi2Fit<...> fit(track, hits);
* // stop if the fit failed, or if we cannot remove a single hit
* if (!fit || fit.ndf() < 1) throw;
* // find the hit with the largest influence on chi2
* const Hit* worst = 0;
* const double chi2 = fit.chi2(track, hits);
* double chi2inc = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
* for (Hit& hit : hits) {
* fit.removeHit(track, hit);
* hit.setValid(false);
* fit.refit(track);
* double lchi2inc = fit.chi2(track, hits) - chi2;
* if (lchi2inc > chi2inc) chi2inc = lchi2inc, worst = &hit;
* hit.setValid(true);
* fit.addHit(track, hit);
* }
* @endcode
FitStatus refit(track_type& track) noexcept
{ return (m_status = solveAndUpdate(track)); }
/** @brief return the covariance matrix of the last fit
* @param cov where to store the covariance matrix
* @returns true on success, false on failure
* @note if deferredCovariance is false (set via commonfitpolicy_type),
* this method is absent.
template<class T>
bool cov(typename std::enable_if<
deferredCovariance, T>::type& cov) const noexcept
// check if we have a deferred covariance calculation stored
if (m_deferredCovarianceInitialised && ok()) {
// yes, do the calculation
return m_deferredCovarianceUnion.m_deferredCovariance(cov);
} else {
// no, refuse to work
return false;
/// fill m_icov and m_rhs with initial values
void reset(const track_type& track) noexcept
m_icov = MeasurementProjector().seedICov(track);
/// fill m_icov and m_rhs with initial values
void reset(const track_type& track) noexcept
m_icov = MeasurementProjector().seedICov(track);
m_rhs = MeasurementProjector().seedRhs(track);
m_ndf = -nDim;
m_status = NotPosDef;
m_deferredCovarianceInitialised = false;
/// helper to implement addHit and removeHit
void doAddRemoveHit(track_type& track, const hit_type& hit,
value_type w) noexcept
const value_type wproj = MeasurementProjector().wproj(track, hit);
const value_type wgrad = MeasurementProjector().wgrad(track, hit);
const value_type wmeas =
MeasurementProvider().wmeas(hit, track, MeasurementProjector());
for (unsigned i = 0, idx = 0; LIKELY(i != nDim); ++i) {
// update m_rhs
m_rhs[i] += w * wgrad[i] * (wmeas - wproj);
// update m_icov
for (unsigned j = 0; LIKELY(j <= i); ++j, ++idx) {
m_icov[idx] += w * wgrad[i] * wgrad[j];
/// helper to add hits to fit - autovectorisable
void accumulate(unsigned iHitMax,
const std::array<std::array<value_type, nHitsMax>, nDim>& wgrads,
const std::array<value_type, nHitsMax>& wmeass) noexcept
#if defined(__GNUC__)
// force gcc and friends to optimise aggressively
__attribute__((optimize("-ffast-math", "-ftree-vectorize",
"-fvect-cost-model", "-ftree-slp-vectorize",
"-ftree-vect-loop-version", "-funroll-all-loops"),
/// helper to add hits to track
template<class C>
void addHits(const track_type& track, const C& hits) noexcept
#if defined(__GNUC__)
// force gcc and friends to optimise aggressively
__attribute__((optimize("-ffast-math", "-ftree-vectorize",
"-fvect-cost-model", "-ftree-slp-vectorize",
"-ftree-vect-loop-version", "-funroll-all-loops"),
/// solve and update the track
FitStatus solveAndUpdate(track_type& track) noexcept
#if defined(__GNUC__)
// force gcc and friends to optimise aggressively
__attribute__((optimize("-ffast-math", "-ftree-vectorize",
"-fvect-cost-model", "-ftree-slp-vectorize",
"-ftree-vect-loop-version"), flatten));
/// solve and update the track and hits
template<class C>
FitStatus solveAndUpdate(track_type& track, C& hits) noexcept
FitStatus retVal = solveAndUpdate(track);
if (LIKELY(UpdateAccepted <= retVal)) {
for (hit_type& hit : hits) HitUpdater().updateHit(hit, track);
return retVal;
/// iterate track fit once
template<class C>
FitStatus doFitOneIter(track_type& track, C& hits) noexcept
addHits(track, hits);
return solveAndUpdate(track, hits);
/// iterate track fit the specified number of times
template<class C>
FitStatus doFit(track_type& track, C& hits) noexcept
FitStatus retVal = UpdateRejected;
for (unsigned iter = 0; LIKELY(iter != nIterMax); ++iter) {
retVal = doFitOneIter(track, hits);
if (UNLIKELY(UpdateAccepted != retVal)) break;
return retVal;
m_ndf = -nDim;
m_status = NotPosDef;
m_deferredCovarianceInitialised = false;
/// helper to implement addHit and removeHit
void doAddRemoveHit(track_type& track, const hit_type& hit,
value_type w) noexcept
const value_type wproj = MeasurementProjector().wproj(track, hit);
const value_type wgrad = MeasurementProjector().wgrad(track, hit);
const value_type wmeas =
MeasurementProvider().wmeas(hit, track, MeasurementProjector());
for (unsigned i = 0, idx = 0; LIKELY(i != nDim); ++i) {
// update m_rhs
m_rhs[i] += w * wgrad[i] * (wmeas - wproj);
// update m_icov
for (unsigned j = 0; LIKELY(j <= i); ++j, ++idx) {
m_icov[idx] += w * wgrad[i] * wgrad[j];
/// helper to add hits to fit - autovectorisable
void accumulate(unsigned iHitMax,
const std::array<std::array<value_type, nHitsMax>, nDim>& wgrads,
const std::array<value_type, nHitsMax>& wmeass) noexcept
/// helper to add hits to track
template<class C>
void addHits(const track_type& track, const C& hits) noexcept
/// solve and update the track
FitStatus solveAndUpdate(track_type& track) noexcept
/// solve and update the track and hits
template<class C>
FitStatus solveAndUpdate(track_type& track, C& hits) noexcept
FitStatus retVal = solveAndUpdate(track);
if (LIKELY(UpdateAccepted <= retVal)) {
for (hit_type& hit : hits) HitUpdater().updateHit(hit, track);
return retVal;
/// iterate track fit once
template<class C>
FitStatus doFitOneIter(track_type& track, C& hits) noexcept
addHits(track, hits);
return solveAndUpdate(track, hits);
/// iterate track fit the specified number of times
template<class C>
FitStatus doFit(track_type& track, C& hits) noexcept
FitStatus retVal = UpdateRejected;
for (unsigned iter = 0; LIKELY(iter != nIterMax); ++iter) {
retVal = doFitOneIter(track, hits);
if (UNLIKELY(UpdateAccepted != retVal)) break;
return retVal;
unsigned NHITSMAX, unsigned SIMDWIDTH>
const track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) const noexcept
const track_type& track, const hit_type& hit) const noexcept
if (UNLIKELY(!MeasurementProvider().valid(hit))) return value_type(0);
const value_type wproj = MeasurementProjector().wproj(track, hit);
const value_type wmeas =
MeasurementProvider().wmeas(hit, track, MeasurementProjector());
MeasurementProvider().wmeas(hit, track, MeasurementProjector());
return (wmeas - wproj) * (wmeas - wproj);
unsigned NHITSMAX, unsigned SIMDWIDTH>
const std::array<std::array<value_type, nHitsMax>, nDim>& wgrads,
const std::array<value_type, nHitsMax>& wmeass) noexcept
const std::array<std::array<value_type, nHitsMax>, nDim>& wgrads,
const std::array<value_type, nHitsMax>& wmeass) noexcept
for (unsigned i = 0, idx = 0; LIKELY(i != nDim); ++i) {
// update m_rhs
// vectorises
// update m_rhs
// vectorises
#if !defined(__GNUC__)
m_rhs[i] += std::inner_product(
std::begin(wgrads[i]), std::begin(wgrads[i]) + iHitMax,
std::begin(wmeass), value_type(0));
m_rhs[i] += std::inner_product(
std::begin(wgrads[i]), std::begin(wgrads[i]) + iHitMax,
std::begin(wmeass), value_type(0));
m_rhs[i] += vect::dot_product<value_type, 2>(
std::begin(wgrads[i]), std::begin(wgrads[i]) + iHitMax,
std::begin(wmeass), value_type(0));
std::begin(wgrads[i]), std::begin(wgrads[i]) + iHitMax,
std::begin(wmeass), value_type(0));
// update m_icov
for (unsigned j = 0; LIKELY(j <= i); ++j, ++idx) {
// vectorises
#if !defined(__GNUC__)
m_icov[idx] += std::inner_product(
std::begin(wgrads[i]), std::begin(wgrads[i]) + iHitMax,
std::begin(wgrads[j]), value_type(0));
m_icov[idx] += std::inner_product(
std::begin(wgrads[i]), std::begin(wgrads[i]) + iHitMax,
std::begin(wgrads[j]), value_type(0));
m_icov[idx] += vect::dot_product<value_type, 2>(
std::begin(wgrads[i]), std::begin(wgrads[i]) + iHitMax,
std::begin(wgrads[j]), value_type(0));
std::begin(wgrads[i]), std::begin(wgrads[i]) + iHitMax,
std::begin(wgrads[j]), value_type(0));
unsigned NHITSMAX, unsigned SIMDWIDTH>
template<class C>
const track_type& track, const C& hits) noexcept
const track_type& track, const C& hits) noexcept
using namespace SIMDChi2FitImplDetail;
typedef std::array<value_type, nHitsMax>
#if defined(__GNUC__)
// align workspace arrays to cache lines to produce better SIMD code
// align workspace arrays to cache lines to produce better SIMD code
std::array<AlignedArray, nDim> wgrads;
const auto wgradsT = make_transposed_view<nDim>(wgrads);
AlignedArray wmeass;
unsigned iHit = 0;
// loop over all hits
for (const hit_type& hit : hits) {
// skip deselected hits
if (UNLIKELY(!MeasurementProvider().valid(hit))) continue;
wgradsT[iHit] = MeasurementProjector().wgrad(track, hit);
const value_type wproj =
MeasurementProjector().wproj(track, hit);
// skip deselected hits
if (UNLIKELY(!MeasurementProvider().valid(hit))) continue;
wgradsT[iHit] = MeasurementProjector().wgrad(track, hit);
const value_type wproj =
MeasurementProjector().wproj(track, hit);
const value_type wmeas = MeasurementProvider().wmeas(
hit, track, MeasurementProjector());
wmeass[iHit] = wmeas - wproj;
if (UNLIKELY(++iHit == nHitsMax)) {
// ok, array fully filled, accumulate
accumulate(nHitsMax, wgrads, wmeass);
iHit = 0;
hit, track, MeasurementProjector());
wmeass[iHit] = wmeas - wproj;
if (UNLIKELY(++iHit == nHitsMax)) {
// ok, array fully filled, accumulate
accumulate(nHitsMax, wgrads, wmeass);
iHit = 0;
if (LIKELY(iHit)) {
// pad wgrads and wmeass to next multiple of simdWidth...
const unsigned iHitMax = (0 == iHit % simdWidth) ? iHit :
(simdWidth * (iHit / simdWidth + 1));
// pad wgrads and wmeass to next multiple of simdWidth...
const unsigned iHitMax = (0 == iHit % simdWidth) ? iHit :
(simdWidth * (iHit / simdWidth + 1));
assert(iHitMax <= nHitsMax);
std::fill(std::begin(wmeass) + iHit,
std::begin(wmeass) + iHitMax, value_type(0));
for (unsigned j = 0; LIKELY(j != nDim); ++j)
std::fill(std::begin(wgrads[j]) + iHit,
std::begin(wgrads[j]) + iHitMax, value_type(0));
// ... and accumulate the rest
accumulate(iHitMax, wgrads, wmeass);
std::begin(wmeass) + iHitMax, value_type(0));
for (unsigned j = 0; LIKELY(j != nDim); ++j)
std::fill(std::begin(wgrads[j]) + iHit,
std::begin(wgrads[j]) + iHitMax, value_type(0));
// ... and accumulate the rest
accumulate(iHitMax, wgrads, wmeass);
unsigned NHITSMAX, unsigned SIMDWIDTH>
track_type& track) noexcept
track_type& track) noexcept
if (UNLIKELY(m_ndf < 0)) return NotPosDef;
ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecomp<value_type, nDim> decomp(;
FitStatus retVal = TrackUpdater().updateTrack(track, dparam);
if (deferredCovariance && UNLIKELY(retVal == FitConverged)) {
m_deferredCovarianceUnion.m_deferredCovariance =
m_deferredCovarianceUnion.m_deferredCovariance =
m_deferredCovarianceInitialised = true;
return retVal;
} // namespace Tf
#endif // SIMDCHI2FIT_H
#if defined(VECTOPTS)
// vim: tw=78:sw=4:ft=cpp
#endif // SIMDCHI2FIT_H