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Add converters for zipped PrFitted tracks and vertices

Alex Pearce requested to merge apearce-pr-fitted-forward-converters into master

Adds a few converters (from → to):

  • LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward::TracksWithPVsstd::vector<LHCb::Event::v2::Track>
  • LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward::TracksWithMuonIDstd::vector<LHCb::Event::v2::Track>
  • LHCb::TrackKernel::TrackCompactVertex backed by LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward::TracksWithPVsstd::vector<LHCb::RecVertex> backed by std::vector<LHCb::Event::v1::Track>

These are needed for preparing the HLT1 SelReports in Moore.

Depends on LHCb!2198 (merged) for the .get<T>() accessor on PrFittedTracksWith....

Edited by Alex Pearce

Merge request reports
