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Use initial search window parameterisation from SciFiTrackForwarding in PrForwardTracking

Andre Gunther requested to merge gunther_ChangeSearchWindowParamPrForward into master

This merge request bundles several small improvements:

  • the initial search window parameterisation is now the same as in the SciFiTrackForwarding
  • a minimum momentum requirement is introduced in addition to the minimum PT one
  • code using information from UTTracks is only compiled when UTTracks are really used
  • faster binary search
  • small code restructuring

The PrForwardTracking efficiencies for low momentum tracks go up while high momentum tracks should not be affected. The speedup of the PrForward in an HLT2 scenario is roughly 4% thus will not be noticeable in throughput of the full sequence.
Moore!415 (merged) changes the configuration of hlt1_reco_prforward such that it makes use of the momentum-guided search window improved here. This improves the throughput significantly.

Should go together with Moore!415 (merged)

@sstahl @decianm @ahennequ @chasse

Edited by Andre Gunther

Merge request reports
