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New counters in merge-pi0 algorithm + passing vector of hypos to the correction tools

Adam Szabelski requested to merge newCountersInMergePi0 into master

This MR is a follow-up of !1987 (merged). New counters for correction are introduced in the algorithm to replace those in the tools. As a starting point the energy and position of the main cluster of the hypothesis is used. It is simpler as the position of the clusters do not change in the corrections and it is consistent with how the counters were evaluated in the tools. I attach the logs from the baseline tests. The new "Delta(z)" differs from the old one since in the tools a starting point taking into account the incident angle is used (this is the same as in !1987 (merged)). The rest of the new counters don't differ significantly from the old ones. New counters amount to exactly the same numbers in the single- and multi-threaded tests.

Moreover (commit 2) now a vector of hypos is passed to the correction tools. The implementation is similar as in ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg.



Ref updates in Brunel!1014 (merged) and Moore!488 (merged)

Edited by Rosen Matev

Merge request reports
