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future ft any data handler hit

Renato Quagliani requested to merge WIP-future-FTAnyDataHandlerHit into future

FT do not use anymore the HitManager. Replaced by :

  1. Algorithm called PrStoreClusters.{h,cpp} which reads the FTClusters and store them in the FTHitHandler object which is then loaded as a AnyDataHandle in the TES
  2. Seeding and Forward Tracking , which are the users, read the clusters directly from the TES. 2.1 ) Seeding is a plain algorithm , so it reads them and use them directly 2.2) ForwardTracking algorithm is loading a Tool to perform tracking so the FTHitHandler is passed as a pointer to the ForwardTool
  3. In order to have the truth matcher working fine, also the PrLHCbID2MCParticle in Pr/PrMCTools has to read the Clusters in FT as AnyDataHandle.
  4. FTHitHandler is now in PrKernel such that also PrMCTools can use it @adudziak , can you try to implement in the tracking sequence ( after the FTHit decoding) , run the PrStoreClusters if the FT is used as detector?

Missing changes here:

  • FTHitHandler is also storing geometry information together with the hits.
  • Hits modicable property are defined as mutable. (should be const , i guess from @graven , but this goes against the isUsed() flag .

Please comment the code if you think it has to be cleaned up, improved. I also removed from this commit the PrFTHitManager class from PrAlgorithms.

@tnikodem , can you check if the modifications to the forward are ok?

Missing : adapt code in PrMCTools using the PrFTHitManager (Done )

Merge request reports
