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Draft: Seeding p tuning

Louis Henry requested to merge lohenry-finalThirdHit into master

Previous versions of the tuning rely on parameterisations that mix topological (i.e. choice of first layers) and kinematical (i.e. choice of momentum for which cases are optimised) information.

This change reformulates the two-hit and three-hit search windows in a way that is faster (~12% fewer calls), although with lower efficiencies, but also makes the choice of layers & minimum momentum explicit. There are still some momentum dependencies hidden in the U/V search, but the effect is believed to be less important. Such change allows to change the order of layers and/or momentum thresholds.

Also, the number of parameters for the X search goes from 27 to around 12.

This MR also provides two new pieces of code:

  • PrAlgorithms/tools/PrHybridSeedingTuner.cpp: it allows to produce out of a .digi sample a lot of variables used in the tuning
  • PrAlgorithms/tools/ this is the code that produces, out of the output of PrHybridSeedingTuner, some variables related to the seeding.

I aim at presenting this at RTA WP2 meeting, and a link to the presentation will be added to this text when done.


  • [] p/pt efficiency plots: do we care about the tracks we're missing?
  • [] test on more various physics channels (e.g. KS)
  • line fit in the tuner
  • cubic fit in the tuner
  • dRatio tuner

Old valgrind:


New valgrind:




SeedTrackChecker                       INFO **** Seed                           109178 tracks including           5679 ghosts [ 5.20 %], Event average  4.78 % ****
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   01_hasT                        :   73407 from    87345 [ 84.04 %]      4 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.52 %, hitEff: 97.86 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   02_long                        :   53381 from    57314 [ 93.14 %]      4 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.64 %, hitEff: 98.39 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   03_long_P>5GeV                 :   37944 from    39545 [ 95.95 %]      3 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 98.94 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   04_long_fromB                  :    2837 from     3029 [ 93.66 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.72 %, hitEff: 98.67 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   05_long_fromB_P>5GeV           :    2199 from     2297 [ 95.73 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.71 %, hitEff: 99.11 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   06_UT+T_strange                :    5667 from     6173 [ 91.80 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.66 %, hitEff: 97.91 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   07_UT+T_strange_P>5GeV         :    3077 from     3187 [ 96.55 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.65 %, hitEff: 98.85 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   08_noVelo+UT+T_strange         :    2912 from     3167 [ 91.95 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.65 %, hitEff: 97.94 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   09_noVelo+UT+T_strange_P>5GeV  :    1691 from     1751 [ 96.57 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.62 %, hitEff: 98.75 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   10_UT+T_SfromDB                :     300 from      324 [ 92.59 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.88 %, hitEff: 98.24 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   11_UT+T_SfromDB_P>5GeV         :     180 from      184 [ 97.83 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.85 %, hitEff: 98.96 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   12_noVelo+UT+T_SfromDB_P>5GeV  :      96 from       98 [ 97.96 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.72 %, hitEff: 98.98 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   13_hasT_electrons              :   15682 from    28766 [ 54.52 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.61 %, hitEff: 97.23 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   14_long_electrons              :    5477 from     6292 [ 87.05 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.73 %, hitEff: 97.74 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   15_long_fromB_electrons        :    1353 from     1491 [ 90.74 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.65 %, hitEff: 98.51 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   16_long_electrons_P>5GeV       :    3590 from     3974 [ 90.34 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.71 %, hitEff: 98.51 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   17_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV :    1223 from     1325 [ 92.30 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.63 %, hitEff: 98.68 %


SeedTrackChecker                       INFO Results
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO **** Seed                           107773 tracks including           5306 ghosts [ 4.92 %], Event average  4.52 % ****
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   01_hasT                        :   72649 from    87345 [ 83.17 %]      6 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.50 %, hitEff: 97.97 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   02_long                        :   52821 from    57314 [ 92.16 %]      5 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.61 %, hitEff: 98.44 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   03_long_P>5GeV                 :   37861 from    39545 [ 95.74 %]      5 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.59 %, hitEff: 98.90 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   04_long_fromB                  :    2818 from     3029 [ 93.03 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.69 %, hitEff: 98.68 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   05_long_fromB_P>5GeV           :    2197 from     2297 [ 95.65 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.67 %, hitEff: 99.05 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   06_UT+T_strange                :    5558 from     6173 [ 90.04 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.65 %, hitEff: 98.10 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   07_UT+T_strange_P>5GeV         :    3075 from     3187 [ 96.49 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.63 %, hitEff: 98.83 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   08_noVelo+UT+T_strange         :    2858 from     3167 [ 90.24 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.64 %, hitEff: 98.12 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   09_noVelo+UT+T_strange_P>5GeV  :    1688 from     1751 [ 96.40 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.60 %, hitEff: 98.77 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   10_UT+T_SfromDB                :     295 from      324 [ 91.05 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.88 %, hitEff: 98.29 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   11_UT+T_SfromDB_P>5GeV         :     179 from      184 [ 97.28 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.85 %, hitEff: 98.91 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   12_noVelo+UT+T_SfromDB_P>5GeV  :      96 from       98 [ 97.96 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.72 %, hitEff: 98.98 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   13_hasT_electrons              :   15628 from    28766 [ 54.33 %]      1 clones [ 0.01 %], purity: 99.57 %, hitEff: 97.26 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   14_long_electrons              :    5439 from     6292 [ 86.44 %]      1 clones [ 0.02 %], purity: 99.69 %, hitEff: 97.74 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   15_long_fromB_electrons        :    1345 from     1491 [ 90.21 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.61 %, hitEff: 98.57 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   16_long_electrons_P>5GeV       :    3570 from     3974 [ 89.83 %]      1 clones [ 0.03 %], purity: 99.65 %, hitEff: 98.54 %
SeedTrackChecker                       INFO   17_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV :    1215 from     1325 [ 91.70 %]      0 clones [ 0.00 %], purity: 99.59 %, hitEff: 98.74 %

@saiola @sstahl @rquaglia

Edited by Louis Henry

Merge request reports
