Add algorithms for 1D relation table to particle ranges
Algorithms for handling 1D relation tables:
- to extract particle range from relation table (FROM = particles, TO= double). Can optionally filter the particle range with an operation using any functor with respect to the value in TO column of the table.
- algorithms for filtering single or multiple relation tables
Added trivial IDENTITY functor that returns the same value. Can be used to filter the relation table with simple cuts with the above algorithm for single relation table, eg. selection = FilterRelTable(InputTable = rel_table, Predicate = (F.IDENTITY > min_cut)).OutputLocation
Added COLUMN functor that can be used when cutting on multiple relation tables at the same time.
Additional algorithm to write Additional info to Relation table. Requires LHCb!3450 (merged) .
Requires LHCb!3593 (merged) .
Requires LHCb!3836 (merged) .
Algorithms tested in Moore!1805 (merged).
Added functors in the eventual scope of enabling to cut directly on relation tables without these algorithms -PROTOPARTICLES: retrieve protoparticle for given particle -TO_VALUE_RELATION_TABLE:returns TO value from the Relation table