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define a global set of qmtest exclusions for Rec

Christoph Hasse requested to merge chasse_qmtest_exclusions into master

triggered by exclusions needed for the FunctorFactory which will be needed in Rec, Moore, and DaVinci.

This would define a new preprocessor similar to what is done in and I'd propose to then in Moore and DaVinci change lines like

from GaudiConf.QMTest.LHCbExclusions import preprocessor as LHCbPreprocessor


from RecConf.QMTest.exclusions import preprocessor as RecPreprocessor

to make them automatically pick up the new Rec exclusions.

wdyt @rmatev?

upstream projects adapted in Moore!1470 (merged) and DaVinci!679 (merged)

Edited by Christoph Hasse

Merge request reports
