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Separate calib BXIDs from digit monitoring

Aniol Lobo Salvia requested to merge calo_monitoring_calib into master

Depends on Moore!1685 (merged)

Calo digits monitoring only filled when BXID has BXTypes::BeamCrossing.
New histograms with suffix _Calib{1,2} filled with the BXIDs of Calib{A,B} commands AND the BXIDs of the list Calib_BXIDs{A,B} passed as Gaudi property (default empty).
BXIDs with not fitting the above categories filled in histograms with suffix "_Other" (mainly lumi triggers expected).
Option to generate histograms per BXID as in !3040 (comment 5849227)

Run 240925 setting the Calib_BXIDs{A,B} lists with the appropriate BXIDs containing all the misaligned LEDs

Run 240925 letting Calib_BXIDs{A,B} lists empty

Edited by Aniol Lobo Salvia

Merge request reports
