Another update of monitors and selectors for alignment
- update to TrackSelector and VPTrackSelector to get more consistent naming of properties
- add option to cut on sensor overlap to VPTrackSelector
- add sensor overlap and breakpoint histograms to TrackVPMonitor
- change input to PatPV3DFuture to use Track::Range such that it can be used on Track::Selection as well
- make sure not to cut on track distance to beamline in PatPV3DFuture with useBeamSpotRCut=False
- add option to veto fiducial region to TrackVertexRefiner
- replace TrackVertexFilter with functional algorithm
- add new algorithm PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger: uses PVOfflineTool to reconstructsvertices separately on left and right side, and then merges them. This improves the converges of the alignment in case of poor left-right misalignment.
- replace default PVFitter in PVOfflineTool with AdaptivePV3DFitter
- update TrackFitMatchMonitor, TrackVertexMonitor
This goes together with Alignment!317 (merged)
Edited by Wouter Hulsbergen