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add posibility for 5- and 6-body combinations (to be used in...

Ivan Polyakov requested to merge add-5and6-BodyCombiner into master

add possibility for 5- and 6-body combinations (to be used in Moore/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/ examples:

  • Xi_bc+ -> J/psi D0 p+ K- pi+
  • B_c+ -> J/psi pi+ pi+ pi+ pi- pi- (see LHCb-PAPER-2016-040)

potentially can think of 7- & 8- combinations, let's say B_c+ -> J/psi 7pi or Bs0 -> J/psi K+ K- 2(pi+ pi-)

Goes with Moore!2000 (merged)

Edited by Miguel Ramos Pernas

Merge request reports
