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Adapt invalid value handling for TisTos

Abhijit Mathad requested to merge AM_invalidvalue_tistos into master

Adapting the VALUE_OR functor to handle dictionary particularly for the Hlt1 Tis/Tos. Effort to close #471 (closed).

Addresses the problem I mentioned here.

The problem is that this algorithm builds a tis/tos dictionary with only a subset of user-specified lines (depending on whether the event fired that line or that line was present during data taking). However F.VALUE_OR(<invalid_value_dictionary>) is completely unaware of which subset of these lines are actually stored and assumes that information of all lines is stored. We run into trouble in such cases. There can be work arounds and in-fact I remember running into trouble with this algorithm when building a relation table mapping Particle -> map<string, optional>. And even then F.VALUE_OR(<invalid_value_dictionary>) needs to be specialised to handle such cases.

FYI: @erodrigu and @pkoppenb

To be tested with: !3368 (closed) and Analysis!971 (merged)

Edited by Abhijit Mathad

Merge request reports
