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Implementation of functors for signal removal from cone

Tommaso Fulghesu requested to merge tfulghes-cone-isolation into master

Implementation of functors to remove the signal from the isolation cone when performing the selection to make the relation table. This removal is done by checking imposing requirements on the tracks associated to the particles in the decay tree.

Requirements are different in case the ReferenceParticle is basic or composite:

  • If ReferenceParticle is a basic particle, the requirement to express in Cut argument of WeightedRelTableAlg is ~SHARE_TRACKS() (i.e. checks whenever ReferenceParticle and InputCandidates have the same track)
  • If ReferenceParticle is a composite, the requirement to express in Cut argument of WeightedRelTableAlg is ~FIND_IN_TREE() (i.e. checks if InputCandidates are contained in the decay tree of ReferenceParticle)

cc: @rjhunter for the implementation of signal removal from cone in some qee lines

Add few fixes for old functors

Tests are already provided, MR ready for the review

Edited by Tommaso Fulghesu

Merge request reports
